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Brian Bell2

Well-Known Member
Feb 29, 2000
Reaction score
Get the facts straight

#1- I did not say triton was better than Nitro, Ranger and Skeeter,, I said non 9 series Nitro boats were not in the same class as the above..

#2- I am not pushing Ranger over Triton, I own a Triton and love it.. I owned 2 Nitro's and loved them also..

#3- Mike stated that he could purchase a Ranger, Triton or Stratos for about the same money as a Nitro and the quality of all of the above was the same..

#4- My response to comment #3 is what I see.... All boats are NOT made the same...

#5- KB " not being rude, but is there a Triton board somewhere!!!!" is rude and un-called for...

In closing I have been a member here since 1999, and will now longer be... If you cannot state your opinion without folks grilling you for it.. I need not read nor post here in the future..

Sorry but some folks here twist what they read to because they cannot except someone else having a opinion..

And BTW Nitro is a good boat I NEVER HAVE SAID IT WAS NOT, and NO I have not bashed it,, some of you chose to twist my comments,, sorry but that is just not right..


Have a safe and happy Thanksgiving

I must have missed something "big"... Brian, the vast, overwhelming, almost 100% of the folks here are more than "civil" in their responses... Can't imagine why you would want to leave even if someone did get way over the line in a thread or two... Think it over... This IS the BEST website west of the "Big Pond"...

I like Greg am not sure what tread you refering to But I agree with Greg.All of us at one time or another have been miss quoted. I own a 901cdx and I have to say as much as I like it the quality is not that of a Ranger(I don't know about the other two) nor did I pay as much.I do like the hull design of the 901simply because it keeps me dryer LOL.

Have a good Thanks Giving ,I know I'm thankful for what I 've been given.

Mark Gross:)

Hey Brian, Whoever said the wrong comments to you, dont let them win. Stay strong and ignore what you do not like. We all have to do that from time to time. My feelings were hurt last month from what was not said (I posted that I was having my 23rd Anniv) and not a soul responded to it, I got over it and look for this site for valuable info. Stay strong Brian..

Brian, stop being so thin skinned. I would assume that if you've been a member since 1999 there must be something here that you like. Why throw away something you like because someone was rude to you? I see people do this all the time and have never understood it. I believe the thread you are talking about was a few days ago wasn't it? Then you have let this eat at you since then.. Why. You have now gotten it off your chest so why not just let it go and hang around.

Brian, you are overreacting.

In any group of people, particularly a special interest/hobby group, it's impossible to agree with everyone. And some people will say things that rub you the wrong way. Gotta be a duck and let the water roll of your back.

Brian,...Just pretend you're a Proctologist, and we're (the NTOWS) just the "waiting room"!!;)

Maybe I am over reacting.. Just caught me off guard as in all the years I have been hanging around here, my opinions & thoughts on a subject were never slammed, I have always tried to be objective and sincere in my posts, and avoided slamming any topic or member. " Treat others, as you would like to be treated"....

That thread,'buying a new boat" by Mike 11/15/05, was actually a very interesting thread until you suggested Mike should of purchased a different boat than he did. The two board members' comments may have been a little harsh, but you kind of asked for it. However, I found your comments to also be of interest. Since I am a novice in the boating world and will soon be in the market for a new boat, getting different views about all boats is enlightening.

Also, if you pay much attention to this board day in and day out, you would know that those two fellows are stand up guys. They are harmless. Be the duck.
Mac.....always has a way of summing it up! LOL

Hang around brian your waiting room wants you to stay!

Hey kynitrojeff, HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :p

You think you got too much ribbing you need to be in my shoes I have a 929 my next door neighber is on the Ranger pro staff my other neighbor is with the Champion pro staff agood friend of mine I fish with is on Bass Cat pro team and my best friend that I fish tournaments with is a guide on our lake and he has a Triton 19 ft. I dont have any thing bad to say about any of these boats but when we fish my end of the lake where it is rough we fish out of my 929 because it takes the rough water better so I wouldnt let a little razzing chase me off the board

Brian, I got ripped once or twice too, just the way of the walk sometimes, no harm no foul
Brian, Don't throw your dog in the ring and leave after he gets bit twice!!

I did not call you out by name in my reply.. I will now

I didn't disagree with the comments you made.. I disagreed with the way you made them...

We should give people UNBIASED information when they ask... Facts are what people need to make an informed buying choice!

I personally am sick of people bashing Nitro's on this board.. Try standing in Wal Marts lobby with a K-Mart sale paper... see how long it takes for you to be asked to leave... It doesn't change the fact that K-mart is having a sale... But !! That was my point with the Triton board comment... Sorry you took it personal!!

No need for you to leave the board because you made comments and a few of us jumped your >>>>

Stand up for what you believe in.. don't tuck tail and run... Just handle it in a more informed manner

Enough of this..... Go fishing when you can

KB... Kenny Brown

I told you that I was not busting your chops but let's be honest, you've been here for a long time and how often do you read members on this board talking down NITRO' know better than that, especially here. Specific problems yes, but the the I simply wasn't going to let that pass without injecting "my" opinion. You have a NITRO with the hull split wide open by all means get on here and let it fly. Some very good things have happened for those that have.

By all means let's get the facts straight.

Why in the world would you buy a Nitro, when you state you can buy a Ranger for example for the about the same price ??????

anyone that states they know boats and manufacturer reputation and says they can get a ranger of the same size hull, motor and options as a Nitro and purchases a Nitro should have thier head examined

Nitro is a good boat, especialy the 9 series, But they are no way in the class of a Ranger in quality, construction, fit and trim, and CUSTOMER Support...

That's three in one thread, wow!! You've got State Team members here, people sponsored by BPS, BPS employees, etc., as well as just owners. Look how many times LaMoy got jumped for coming on here tooting his Ranger horn. He took his lumps and is none the worse for wear. If you can't tell, KB likes his NITRO and not just because it is the boat he bought (before he was a State Team member I might add). He likes it for all the reasons you claim it is inferior (by the way, there is no difference between calling one brand bad or another brand better....same difference).

After a quick glance over at the "other" page I found the following complaints:

Ranger - Speed, areator plumbing

Procraft/Javelin - Transom problems

Triton - Front dash falling apart

Skeeter/Triton - Rub rail screws falling out

That's why you never see anyone here making negative comments about other boats. It is live and let live. Can't you see how or why your comments would irritate? KB was not being rude, he was merely pointing out that "owners boards" are probably not the best places to air negative opinions.

Chill out, have a smoke or a drink and jump back in the fray. Just remember the name of this site and why it is logical to expect a pi$$in match when negative NITRO comments are made. Besides, I may need a place to stay in Florida one of these days.

Ah but a pretty boat can make a poor guy look good...:lol: Fishing the Northern opens as a non-boater in 2004 let me ride in a lot of boat with a lot of drivers. On Erie they were both Nitro's, Hudson both Tritons, Smith Mtn Lake, 2 Nitro's and a Cobra. I liked them all (1 Triton had a nut for a driver but thats not the boats fault). I could leave it at that but where is the fun in that. I have never been in a Ranger where the gas engine ran (2 Mercs and 1 Yammy).

So if I stop here it sounds like I don't like Rangers, but to fill in the gaps, While I was working with Anglers Choice as assistant tournament director if somebody had problems the director (Dave Kilby) would loan them his Bullett and we would just fish around for awhile on the TM.


P.S All 3 engine failures where comuter/electronic failures, just bad luck.