Be on the lookout for the BAD Guys!!...

  • Thread starter Bill McElroy [IMG]
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Bill McElroy

Well-Known Member
Jul 26, 2000
Reaction score
Fish Terrorists!!
Weekly Tale 4[1].jpg

I personally like the idea and the toon's. However . . .

Your entire site and direction, seems to be very family oriented - ie, positive. This is somewhat of a negative/evil direction.

My thought would be to look in the direction of our military awareness and strength. Just my .02 cents.

LOL Mac!!!!! Where's Kin Jong Eel's bouffant hair???? He's got to be one of the weirdest guys out there.
Tex,'s just a continuation of the "Halloween" theme...not a direction I'm taking as a whole....I can do a Military Awareness theme for Veteran's Day perhaps.,...but I think a "Goby Bryant" 'toon would deffinetely be wrong! LOL

Thanks for the input!!

They gonna let you put that up on your site Mac? With today's PC movement, I figured most companies would steer clear of any even remotely political info. Other than the media that is! LOL I like it! I say put is all over, then you can have a bass boat, the USS Arsekicker, dropping depth charges all over them! LOL
Geez guys,'s a Halloween JOKE!!!! No political statement what so ever,......of course they're going to put it on the site,.......if it causes "controversy" then so be it,.....atleast people are going to the site and that's what we want!!..LOL Is all the blood and guts and zombies and creepy stuff associated with Halloween "non-controversial"??...If we try to be "PC" 100% of the time,...than there is NO HUMOR involved and we all know what that means,...."BOOORRIIING!!!" "Family oriented" means adults AND kids....75% of my stuff will be geared toward the kids,...and occasionally I'll throw a bone to the adults!! Not trying to be offensive or send a "political message".....I just thought putting a Halloween theme and "twist" into names we see every day in the news and in the papers with actual FISH was sorta clever....
anything's better than nothing Tox,....I see waayyy too many teenagers walking around in street clothes,..trick or treating!!!! What's up with that??..ahahaah....
Dude, have a marlboro, a coffee and......LOL That's WHAT I was saying. With all the PC people, I just figured SOMEBODY would take offense to it and they would "edit" your work which would suck.
You figure a guy who spelled Bush's name wrong would be a little lighter! HA!
Osalmon ben Ladin man your killing me. I should send you some of my Ossma pistol targets. A local favorite.

Great stuff, again, BIG DOG. I'll bet there's more inspiraton this weekend!!! Bring a notebook and some pens!


Being the "sicko" that I am... How about a limited run of those critters on some "targets"... Great sales available to gunshops and on a web basis I know where to market them... My order will be the first!
Rob,...I couldn't be more relaxed...I have the coolest company in the world backing me...if anybody's use to "controversy" it's AP. With all the NASCAR stuff that happens and all....they thrive on it!! I'm well aware of the fact that no matter what, I say or draw,....somebody somewhere will find a way or create a way to be offended by it. They also said,..."Don't worry about it,....WE'LL deal with it,..that's OUR job, just draw and do your thing!!"..ahahah....he also said,.."Wait'll PETA get's ahold of this....they're going to try everything they can to undermine our efforts...but that's PERFECT!!,..the more stink they raise about it,..the more FREE publicity we'll get from it!!" So it's all about how ya look at it,...I'm just going to keep doing what I do and let AP deal with the fallout. LOL!!!!! Their attitude is "Bring it on baby!!"

ahahahaahha....I love it!!
Sweeet! I can see an "In yo face Peta" toon coming soon! LOL Lucky gets hooked, winces in agonizing pain, cries for help to PETA.....then says, "NOT!" and throws the hook. Yeah, I know, not the best, but you come up with something and we'll back it all the way and tell AP we're behind it too! PETA can kiss my bass!
Actually, I won't respond to PETA at all.....i won't give them the satisfaction of a response. I'll forward any and all contact requests from Lonnie. I'll let him deal with'em...
I love it, now what can you develope that best represents our leaders in congress who just voted themselfs another pay raise.

Thanks I needed that.
Mac,good toon......The only problem I see is they aren't all floating belly up.

The kids love the new website,keep up the good work.

Mac, that is so cool! Now we know where those guys are hiding. No catch and release for them! Hmmm...wonder if they would take a senko?
Jethro...if you ever see one of those guys,....hittem in the heddon with a tiny torpedo!! LOL