Battery Configuration Question and a Question for Sue D.... (Guest Chargers)

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Tony Payne

Well-Known Member
May 16, 2002
Reaction score
I currently have a 3 bank charger (came with the 911 I bought this past September)...

Long story short, I woke up the other morning to a dead "primary" battery. (I have 4, 36v TM and 12v Cranking)

Config question: In a pinch, I know I can "jump" from one TM battery to the primary for a quick start... but what if I needed to run off of one for an entire day? WOuld I need to isolate the TM battery at that point? If Isolated, would the 36v TM still function to a degree? or is this just bad karma alltogether?

Sue, does Guest offer an upgrade for current owners? If I wanted to go from the 3 bank to a 4 bank charger?


Not 100% sure if I understood your meaning of "isolate" but if you meant pull one of the three 12 volt batteries away from the TM bank, that would not be good. In general, an electrical motor designed to run off 36 volts should not be run off 24 volts. The current draw will be excessive and unnecessary heating will occur. I think your warranty would be instantly void - as may be the motor.

Yes, you could run off your trolling battery if it was connected in parallel to your start battery. The downside is that it will drain that battery faster which will in turn shorten the time your trolling motor will run.

As for an upgrade, I am a big fan of it it ain't broke, don't try to fix it. Instead, I would recommend getting a model 2608A charger for your start battery. It is a 6 amp single output charger that will charge and maintain your start battery.

Have a great day!

Sue D.
How do you have the three bank charger connected to the batteries now?
I had a similar situation when I bought my current boat - one battery out in the cold. I ended up buying a single bank charger as Sue suggested. Rather than running another extension cord, I bought a short cord at Home Depot that allowed both chargers to be plugged in simultataneously. That way, there is still only one extension cord running to the boat. I ran the one cable out the same hole the steering and fuel line runs through.

Your situation may be different, especially if you have a built in plug in the hull of the boat.
Hey Tony, I had the same problem with my 929. I bought a on board, one bank charger for my start battery and ran the power cord to my three bank charger built in plug, so now I charge all four of my batteries when I plug in my extenstion cord. That took care of my battery problems. Later<>< <>< <>< <>< Jack
Anybody make their own jumper cables? Considering a set for when your crankin' goes dead and jumping from the troller battery.
Tee, Northern bass sells a set of mini jumper cables that are great for the boat. They take up much less room then the standard ones you get at walmart. I have never needed to use mine to start my own boat but i have helped others jump thier boats many times and they are handy to have.
I also keep a set in the boat...

Jack, can you elaborate on this:

-> "ran the power cord to my three bank charger built in plug"

I dont want to seem dense, I take it that you combined both chargers into one plug, which somehow I thougth was against the rules! if not, we have a winner!

I don't think a completey dead battery will charge, so jumping and letting the alternator do the job will work to get it charged back up.

Hey Tony that is what I did, hooked up both chargers to the same built in plug. So I charge all four batteries at the same time. Later<>< <>< <>< <>< Jack