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Mark Gross

Well-Known Member
Apr 25, 2002
Reaction score
Have you seen the Bassmaster commercial were the guys in his garage with Basmaster gear laying all over the table . Then he looks right in to the camara and says; Do you know who makes this stuff ?

I find my self always coming up with the same answer.........CHINA !!

Also do they really think that they can get do the money just because their name is attached to a product ?

Maybe so but not from me !

I like the line that says...

"they spent months perfecting...."

Hell, I've spent YEARS using.....

I'm sure they will ! ME ! But not from I .... But why even leave your self open to such a question like that ? hello....... :lol:
Keep in mind, Mark that most of us here on the board are much more involved in this sport than 98% of the population.....

It's that other 98% who will hear that commercial and say to themselves "Bass Pro Shops! It has got to be good!" And then they'll run right out before they go on their once-annual fishing trip or vacation and buy one... or two... or three... Heck, they'll buy one each for themselves, wife and all 2 2/3 kids!

And while they're buying those combos..... They'll pick up all the other high profit goodies that go with them! Tackle boxes. Spare line. Hooks. Lures that look good. (In that respect, the 98%ers are no different from you and me. :lol: ) And probably a Snoopy Zebco just in case cousin Timmy also wants to fish.....

They may even buy some of that beef jerky at the check out counter to take along for the drive..... If they keep the kids chewing that stuff, they won't have to be dramamined to keep them quiet! :wacko:

It's all The American Way!


How many hooks have you bought because Roland or Bill or Hank or whomever says they're the best?

Either I'm a huge sucker or others do the same thing. Thankfully, I have Tivo, so I don't have to watch the commercials :)

Roland caught a huge bass on the helicopter lure. It was a 7 or 8 or 9 pound bass on a helicopter lure. Must have been a 10 or 11 or 12 pound bass. I mean it was huge at least 13 pounds.LOL

To heck with the helicopter lure... give me my walkin worm!!! It's broken several state records and been banned from many tournaments!!!
...all while using your Popiel's Pocket Fisherman, I'm sure! :lol:

And listen to what Pat Goff says.....

After most of my life messing around this business, I'm convinced...

Fishermen, and especially bass fishermen have to be just about the most gullible suckers on the planet.

Helicoptor Lure.

End of discussion.

If you need more proof.....

Just think back a few months.....

Simmy bought a boat.....

from him! :rolleyes:
Hey... I had to have a bigger boat...

just to carry all the lures I need!!!
"me" I agree with you, I think this stuff will sell to the new fisherman/sportsmen.....I'll tell you I still have three Rick Clunn reels from a couple years ago and they are still my best reels. I don't like the newer style but when I was first converting to baitcaster I definately went for the "Bass Pro Shop" stuff because of the name.....LA
All the stuff is not made in China....SOME is made in

Anyway I dont think you need to be IS some good equiptment for a moderate price. Some of it is OVERPRICED, but catch it on sale and you will get quality for a good price.

I use alot of it.....Bassmaster rods and reels, baits, bump board, balance beam, etc...

Sure Bass Pro puts their name on it, as does BASSMASTER but alot of it is made right along side some of the bigger names in the industry!

They smell the same, but look just a tad diffrent. :lol:

Now, Ken and Mini almost look alike though!!!!:wacko:
I agree with pat.....look at the money we spend to go throw things in the water (and loose quite a bit) for hours on end to pull a fish in the boat look at it, and let it go....Man we're crazy.......but I love it!!!

alot of it is made right along side some of the bigger names in the industry!

That's the way it is in every industry..... Almost no one makes all the products they have their names on. You can pay a small amount for a rubber baby buggy bumper in a plain label package - or twice as much for a name brand that you have confidence in..... Only to find out that they came from the same factory, off the same production line and with all the same components; only the packaging is different.

I hear "America" from West Side Story playing in the background! :lol:

I agree with me! , and at the moment, I cant' think of any TV's or computers that are made in the US anymore :wacko: