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JD Johnson

Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2005
Reaction score
Well I got bar-b-qued (radiated) yesterday for the start of round 3, don't think they will be able to do any more after this round. The chief fry cook at Vandy wasn't sure he could do it this time but I prayed for it and praise God he made it happen.

This is more of a quality of life thing to get rid of some swelling, interference with the esaphagus and breathing as well as some pain relief.

I have ten days total of this and I am a bit nauseated already from yesterday.

I sure hope it doesn't get worse because two of the g-daughters are flying in from Homestead Fla Saturday A.M. and I sure would like to have some fun with them and take them to the lake and excercise the boat. I'm gonna buy a tube for the girls and want a pair of skis for me but my wife is throwing a fit about me getting hurt on the skis. I told her heck I ain't worried about getting hurt, I am a good skier and I dieing anyways so what's the big deal. :D I think she is worried about me spending the money and then finding out my bones won't take it so I won't be able to use them. :lol:

Well I'm off for day two bar-b-que.

Y'all have a great day


Good luck JD. I hope you are feeling well this weekend to get some good quality time with the family. Listen to your wife, she seems like the voice of reason. ( although I'd probably ski also.:) )

I'm still pulling for you. You have a great day also.

Thanks Steve, there aren't very many days lately that I feel like doing anything and if this radiation doesn't hit to hard this weekend I feel like I might can ski. I've not asked permission to do something in 50 years 26 years with her and don't see no reason to start now. ;) :lol:
You hang in there... maybe you should just do the tube thing to give your wife some "quality of life" time niot worrying about you breaking your neckbone, conected to your backbone., etc.

I understand the attitude (and would probably feel the same) completely, but your wife has to be pretty "fuzzed" so maybe you can give her some slack...

You are a creature to be reckoned with....LOL
You're right Greg but I most likely won't get many more chances to ski and it is something I really want to go in the next week or to if I am up to it.

I read about a survey in a magazine one time where they questioned men in their 70's and 80's about what the regreted most in their lives. What was interesting was that a huge majority regreted not doing things they wanted to do but didn't over the ones that did things that they regreted doing.

Then do it out of sight and swear everyone to secrecy...LOL Oh, and borrow some skis from somebody... I'd gladly loan you some but its too far and too $$$ to shipo them...
I certainly don't know what to do with him Greg....??? You just can't talk sense into a hardhead like JDJ. :rolleyes:

Uncle Billy
Come on Bill ya only live once. I would rather do a power slide up to heavens gate rather than gently walk though life only to arrive at the same place bored out of my mind. :D
Tires smokin... radiator cracked and spitting steam... doors won't open and the windshield is cracked... outta gas.... whata ride! You got that right!
