Bad Report Card for Nitro & Tracker......

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Well-Known Member
Jul 19, 2002
Reaction score
O.K....I don't want to stir anything here but, would like to here from Y'all and what you think about this...and MAYBE someone at Tracker will listen.

We all know how dealerships have been getting a REAL BAD RAP for various Factory and Dealer problems. They seemed to get better for a while but, have noticed all the sites I visit here lately is back on the "Bashin' Wagon" again and some of it is not pretty . It doesn't make you real proud when someone walks up ans says,"they wouldn't own a Tracker or Nitro". Now grant you I love my boat(after a TON of problems myself) but, if they don't a keep closer check on these just don't seem right that they can make a decent boat but, can't back em'. I can vouch from experience that if the question was asked if I'd buy another...I kinda' doubt it unless they turned around.

Tracker/Nitro...are you listening?

Never been one to be concerned by what others thought...Any problems I have ever had have been fixed, my dealer goes out of his way to make me happy..I think a lot of the issues have to do with dealers that don't want the hassle after the sale...I do think Nitro/Tracker have come a LONG ways since my first boat. They used to be nice and leave extra screws and other things for you to find.
Shoot man...they still do that. I vacuumed about 2 lbs. of aluminum shavings and the slugs that were in the bilge from all the plumbing holes. I couldn't believe it. And when I informed Tracker of this..they said, "It wasn't a problem...I said,"In who's eyes"?

I told them, "the first time I turn my bilge on...all those shavings will ruin the motor"...dead silent. " How come Tracker doesn't vacuum(simple process) the boats before putting the deck on...dead silent again on the other line.

I guess its just "too much common sense" to QC anything right the FIRST time. I'm tellin' ya' Tracker may have made huge strides in improvement, but in my opinion is in the "wrong" areas and should be concentrating on "Customer Satisfaction"!

I'm not saying ALL the dealers are like that but, most just don't care. A company is only as good as it's "Customer Service".....

BTW...I sureashell don't care what others think of my long as I'm happy. But, then again I don't think I'd advise anyone else on a purchase from the "Jacked-up dealer" I bought mine from......(BPS Cinci):)


I'm going to look really hard at other boats b4 my next purchase. Probably won't be a Nitro unless they get it right between now and then.
All this just makes us as the consumer more educated in our quest for a recreational vehicle.

Just like anything you buy, someone will always come across a "lemon" for various reasons. If we are educated about a dealer, or a certain boat, we can now make smart decisions on whether to buy or not based on our own assumptions.

I for one wouldn't buy something unless everything I found wrong with it was fixed or another alternative was presented (in this case another boat). Atleast if the dealer agrees to fix it or provides some positive feed back on the situation, you can feel better about your dealer.

If they give you a hard time, take your money elsewhere.
I hear ya' Bruce...At least if they'd acknowledge that if someone builds dies and molds and has worked in QC and toolmaking would know what they're talkin' about and they would take that little bit of advise. I still think it has nothing to do with Tracker/'s the dealers and not Tracker itself cause nobody's perfect and I understand that.

I love you guys, Are you listening TRACKER CUSTOMER SERVICE ???

I own a Tracker lemmon and still have it to show off soon at the Dallas boat show!! (big sign and all)

.....Wonder if I could get a booth inside......
I bought a used Pro Team 17 this past summer and so far, I am pleased with it. This is after years of glass ownership.

BUT, and I am not trying to start anything here - All I heard was DO NOT BUY THAT BOAT! "the seams will leak, the electronics won't work, it's very badly built, etc." I have bought boats for over 30 years and it seems that every time I was warned away from Nitro/Tracker.

After being on this site for awhile, I see both sides. Some people love them and others have major problems. I don't see or read about these problems with other manufacturers.

I have never owned a Ranger because I thought they were way too heavy and slow, but they do hold their value and you don't hear the complaints that you do with Nitro.

I don't know....Maybe Notro/Tracker better start listening to their customers.

Is everyone filling out the owner surveys from Tracker? I bought my boat in March and have been sent 3 surveys so far. At least Tracker seems to be asking for feedback. Whether they are listening is yet to be determined. In my case, one of my complaints was the welded hull strakes. Surprise, the '04 models strakes are not welded, they are molded.
I had a PF16 once and my brother-in-law still owns it. I now have a 2003 Nitro NX750 and other than a little disign flaw(as I see it), which I fixed myself(steps to fore and aft decks), I have no problems with the quality of boat. My dealer, "The Boat Dock" in Springfield, ILLINOIS has always taken care of me as quickly as possible on my former Nitro boats(this is my third)without me missing a tournament. I guess because it is an independent dealer, they care more. I can say this, if he ever quits carrying Nitros, I will switch to a different brand, I will only deal with a local dealer for all my toys and vehicles.
Yeah, it happens in the auto industry as well. I have been lurking on a Duramax board for about a year and have read all of the posts about Ford's powerstoke blowing up and Chevy's duramax blowing injectors, and Dodges dropping trannies and rear ends, this is just not relevant to boats. On the Chevy board it seems that most who bought a 2003 got them delivered 2+ quarts low on rear end fluid. This is a by product of mass production. Tracker/NITRO moves a lot of units and therefore have proportionatly more problems. No secret there. You don't like it dig deep and go spend another 10-15 grand for a Ranger and run the same risk of getting a "problem" and for that extra $$ you better get a lot of customer service!! I'm not defending tracker/NITRO but I don't think they build an inferior product and I'm getting tired of re-hashing this every time someone comes on with a problem. And not to shake anybody's tree but is is always the same people with the same problems, these are not new posts, it's the same problems we have read about for a long time that just get thrown back on the table AGAIN. There are not a bunch of new problems, only old ones that were either handled wrong or never got resolved. I think you need to really look at the dealer structure. How many times have we preached that....

Yeah and think about this for a second. Out of all of the Rangers, Tritons, Skeeters that are 10, 15 or even 20 grand more than a NITRO, just think about the people who never use their warranty. With a war chest of that much $$ you can AFFORD to jump on the proportionate share of problems that crop up. If NITRO charged another 15 grand PER BOAT, don't you think they would be able to handle problem units better? I sure do. This is a backlash of making boats affordable.

Guys and Gals, remember we get what we pay for!!!

Nitor offers a decent product for a great price that we can afford. They mass produce rather than build one at a time.

The real problem as I have come to see is the DEALERSHIPS!!

Nitro/Tracker sell so many boats and the dealerships may not all be checked throughly for consistency and quality service. This happens with massive chain stores does it not?

I will not take my boat to the local Nitro guy I go to the Ranger Dealer for service. Also the extended warranty they sell you is only good at a Nitro/Tracker dealer and no where else!!

Bash the dealerships not the Factory!

Hey Carlos, my boss has a '02 VW Passat, and that thing has had quite a few problems. Certainly makes me think twice about Consumers Reports ratings.

What are his problems? He have the wagon? I have BAD hesitation and down shifting, plus the no starting stuff that happened yesterday.

Thanks for the info man!!!!


I know he always complains about the auto transmission shifting. He has had it at the dealer several times for this problem. He describes the shifting exactly as you do. Also, his rear door became loose and mis-aligned. And I noticed his dashboard is starting to "bubble-up" in several spots. His car is 1-year old with less than 20k miles.

It all comes down to "Mess" production. Take all the short cuts you can to improve the bottom line.

It all comes down to PROFIT per unit!! Not to say they shouldn't have good QC in the factory either...And Mark, I agree on the dealerships!!


EXACTLY my problem!!!! I have it about down so that I can dupliacte the gripe for the dealer. Had David in the car and made it hesitate. HA Can not wait to have them in the car with me!!!

The dealer makes it that is for sure.



It's hard to find good service..

When I was servicing large mainframe computer sudsystems, years ago, we had one or more techs on site. --

I would first fix the customer -- then the equipment.

Now days, one guy may have 20 sites..

Where I am at now -- they are more interested in numbers and stats then customer satisfaction.

Don't mind paying more for good service..

Happy Hollidays HaleDamage

You hit the nail on the head. For the most part, seems that most will pay more for good service and then even return if the service is good also. Hello...... any hear this.......

I remember my auto shop instructor back in college. Before he taught he owned a corvette repair business. He charged a lot for his work, but people always came back to him. He always tried to do a good job and let the customer know what was going on. He said people were repeat customers as long as they felt he was doing them right. Didn't matter if their cars were pieces of junk.... it only mattered that they felt like he gave them the time of day.

FYI - I have yet to have any work done by my dealer or anyone else but myself. I like my boat and haven't had any horrendous problems. I have fixed a few things myself and have taken apart portions of the boat. I think that the assembly line could use quite a bit of QC - ie- screws put in where they are supposed to- correct torque, don't strip the heads, clean up shavings, that type of stuff, but overall I've had no major structural problems and the motor runs strong. The line workers need to take more pride in the final product.
