ATTN Michigan Bass Anglers

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gone bye bye

Well-Known Member
Mar 20, 2000
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A proposal from the MDNR to change Michigan's bass fishing season is on the web.

Warning it is long (53 pages) and it outlines 7 different proposals. Please read as much as you can or check the Lake St Clair Network ( forum for more information.

This seems like a stab at tournament anglers as a whole and a way fopr the MDNR to take a few weeks of legal fishing away from all anglers in exchange for a few weeks of catch and release.

Please take a look and get involved.


Boy that sucks. Geeee, wonder WHO is behind that???
If you are referring to PETA that is not true Rob.

Our DNR has had a problem with tournament sfor a long time. An unjustified problem at that.

I've read that before Mini...It also seems it's happening everywhere. I believe the ODNR isn't worth two dead flies in my opinion:) I'll try not to hold anything back here Mini.......

First off...I do believe also that most all DNR's and the TVA for that matter has had a problem with tourny anglers. I've also read a lot of posts about ramp fees being instated in "some" places due to that very fact. Of course they deny it;) Secondly I believe if it was left up to would be a closed season everywhere.

I'm still ticked at em' about CJ Brown Resivoir here in Ohio! There's a definite "cover-up" about e-coli bacteria and all the fish tasting "funky"! I called and e-mailed correspondence with a certain individual that I got nowhere with. Bureaucratic BS:) Gotta' Hate It!
Oh no, not PETA. But I'd bet a pink slip it's somewhere from the left in MI.

It wasn't me Rob!

I printed it out Mini...

I'll read it when I get a chance...


We already have an additional fee for "site usage" for tournaments (actually for any organized gathering, not just tournaments).

Get the word out Andy, this could get ugly.
You guys had better organize BIG time and quick. Sign a LOT of petitions. Sounds like they plan on doing it, but are just "warning" you whats coming. When any state conservation org "proposes" something. It's a done deal, they're just covering their a$$es on the PR side.

I'll sign a petition since I plan on fishing some MI tourneys in the future. And I'll forward it to as many as possible. Of course out of staters really don't hold any weight since we aren't voters there.
Hey andy give me the rundown of it when you get it red because my computer is so slow I dont want to take the time to download it.

Sounds like we are getting the shaft. To me the bass season opens too late anyways.

Hey Partner, if you have it at work today, stop by and let me make a copy. Call me.

So how many read it? We are planning to propose another alternative soon to the board before the DNR proposals go to the NRC.

Let me know what you think about the DNR proposal as it is.

I read most of it. I don't think it will effect me much because I haven't been fishing tourny's. I would rather see the regs stay the same rather than see the proposed changes. I don't see how these changes will help offset any damage done by allowing C.I.R. fishing. If anything it seems that by extending the season to cover the whole spawning period, the damage to nests will be worse. Their statistics said that something like 30% of caught bass will abandon the nest if they arent played too hard and even higher if the fish is really played out.


I haven't read the whole thing yet, but I did the intro and the Commission's 'recommended' proposal. I don't have it in front of me, but I believe their recommendation is going to be to establish a CIR (Catch and Immediately Release) season from January 1 through March 15. Closed season from March 15 through last Saturday in April.(this is the current closed season for Walleye and Pike) CIR again from last Saturday in April until the 3rd Saturday in June (this is for the Lower Penisula). Possession Season would then be from the 3rd Saturday in June until December 31.

There are other proposals...again, this is the one that the "Smallmouth and Largemouth Bass Regulations Committee" has recommended.

I have much more to read in this report...but it looks from the surface that a lot of the data being used is old (prior to 1990)...probably because research is expensive and not a lot of it occurs???

Anyway...I'm going to read more of the report before I make any decisions...

All I want is the ability to legally catch and release bass earlier in the year. If that means my tournament season doesn't start for 3 extra weeks, then so be it. Tournaments are NOT that important to me.

However, if push comes to shove, I will shove on the side of my fellow tournament anglers. If I have to mail a letter to the state or tow my boat to a rally in Lansing then I will.

I just want peace, love and super toad smallies.

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