Atlantis camera maiden voyage

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Rob LaMoy

Well-Known Member
Mar 19, 2001
Reaction score
One word....WOW! Got to use Buzz's new Atlantis this weekend. You could see clear as a bell in 45 feet of water. It's one thing to understand what your electronics show you, but when you actually can see it....puts a whole new understanding along with the graph! I went to one spot, that literally blew my mind with the number of sunfish and perch that inhabited a 1/4 acre causeway. My boy and I puttered along with the TM just gauking at tens of thousands of panfish and bait fish. Surprisingly, big SM would be cruising just below of off to the side and would not bother them at all. Also, the smaller fish did not seem at all by the smallies presence. This confused me. Perhaps, th SM would just every so often, reach out and grab one without the group noticing, I mean, who would know that "Joe" is missing in a group that big? The structure detail was phenomonal. I highly recommend one of these to anyone who is serious about their fishing. For tourneys, it's invaluable. I can already see the huge potential for new water. Marke and Curtis, gotta getcha one! It is a little frustrating when you see something you want to view but can't control the camera and go right past it. You have to control it with the boat and lifts or drops of the coax cable. After an hour you will get the hang of it. I went to my "famous" tires, and yes, they were LOADED once again with huge LM, which I promptly caught. I will post pics of one of the many that Cody and I landed exceeding 4lbs. I have many other spots I wish to explore with this and hope to capture it all on camcorder to share with the site. Please let me know if there is anything in particular you wish to see. This is going to be awesome. Unfortuately, I only caught a brief glimpse of just 1 walleye the entire weekend. But in summary, these units are worth the investment. I have heard mixed reviews on the Aquaview, but in the plankton and algae rich waters of Champlain, the Atlantis worked flawlessly! Thanks again Buzz

With a unit like that, you'll get a better view than we got when diving with scuba. The exhaust bubbles would always spook the fish and make them keep their distance.

I would guess that healthy baitfish don't fear the smallies as much as the injured or sick ones. Might explain the behavior. Also, there is a ton more food for the predacious fish then say at summer peak.

I believe you can find the footage you are requesting on certain web sites I will not mention here. At least this is what I am told by the guys on our production floor. Look under Tommy Lee also! LOL That is one subject that would need closer study though! Never mind, better stop before I get myself into trouble! LOL
hey rob,

hope one of them big ole cat's - ya know the ones the size of a volkswagon - don't mistake that camera for bait! Now that would be a moving picture to see! Your lucky to have water that clear to get good shots. hope to see some good shots soon - pamela's ok too! LOL.

james d.
Sounds like a load of fun. The thought of finding a fish with it, and then watching it hit your lure under water is awesome.

Saw the Pamela and Tommy footage......not bad
Yeah, that's what I keep thinking about pike. Didn't see any, which is weird, but they usually hide in the shadows like the little (huge) scum bags that they are! LOL I figure I only ever see one, just before he swallows the camera and bites the 1/4" cord in half. We only have cats up to 25 lbs here, and they are rare. None the size of a VW here. When I told my wife about the camera I asked her, "wanna make a movie?". "No, it's for the informational purposes for the guys on the site!" I was doing good up to that last part! LOL NOTE for future romance: Not a good "mood setter" to the missuz, to include in any way the members of this site in the pregame warm up conversation! LOL The toils I endure for you guys! Man!
Yeah Steve, I plan to buy my own soon, so I can reverse the camera to face backwards while being trolled, and then use it as a downrigger weight so to speak and clip a line to it, with the bait just a few feet behind and watch what happens! I would rig the cable on one of those garden hose reels on the deck with a stopper and a rod holder. The possibilities are endlesssssssss............!
I was hoping, but he heard Bob G was with me, so he steered clear! LOL Just can't mess with an ugly stick!
Oh yea, I almost forgot that I did catch one fish on an ugly stik the other day!! They double as sea monster beaters too!!

Bob G.
And Bob pulled one of my old tricks....he called his fish. As in, "Yeah, I think I'll catch a fish on this cast!" I did it for him first when I handed him my fluke with a stinger rig, first or second cast he caught a nice fish. But then later he sees me throwing a spinnerbait, so picks his up after I set my down unsuccessful, and says, "just a minute while I catch a fish on MY spinnerbait." HA!!!! 5 minutes later, doesn't he go and do it, not a monster, but a keeper! Gotta keep an eye on that Vemonter now! Gettin too big for his britches! Funny as we were taking the pics at the end of the day too, his arm just kept extending towards the camera, my fish is actually 4.5 lbs and his only 2.3, but he reached his out a good 3 feet closer to the camera, see the size of his knuckles! LOL

I have to use every trick in the book when fishing with you. My fish was actually 1lb, but I made it look like a 5lber!!

Bob G.
Gotta learn to change the alias back after I'm done with Willy!