Anyone coming up this year?

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Rob LaMoy

Well-Known Member
Mar 19, 2001
Reaction score
Just checking to see it anyone is planning their annual trip to Champlain and chateau LaMoy this year. Door is open as always. I don't know if my boat will be on the water this year, the next few weeks will tell. But you guys can bring your boats and I have room to park them. Water will be good and high this year. We have a LOT of snow in the mountains that will be coming down and the lake froze over so it didn't evaporate all winter.

Come early though, like before July because we have another busy year up here this year. BASS is here in August, NY federation is here twice (not sure on the dates), Everstart in September, and of course the bombardment of regular tourneys that are held here each year.

I don't get on the PC much so anyone wanting to reach me, don't e-mail me, it could be 2 weeks before I get back to you. Call me instead.

Happy fishing all, and may spring come quickly for us in the frozen tundra of the north!!!
Good to hear from you Rob!! Hope the family and the house renovations are all okay! The hard water should give way soon, just keep the faith. Take care!
Heyyyyyy Robay!! You never know, I just might make the run and see you and Bob G, Buzzy, David and whever else wants to come out and play. Thanks for the invite brother.

Rob, I am expecting to be up there a fair part of this summer as you know I am currently going through a major repair work up there because of major flooding and freezing.

Drop me your phone numbers on my email as I have changed phones and need to make sure I have your current numbers.

Rob I will be up in Aug for the BASS event. Would be nice to see it before but not sure? Toxic, Think maybe Carlos, KB and others might want to make a trip above the frost line in June or July?

I would love to go this summer.

I'm gonna try to get up there sometime so I can do battle with YOUR fish:)
Hey Rob,

Did you ever get anywhere with you Flipping/Pitching video idea?


I'll pick-up Neeley and Mini on the way over if they pitch in for gas!!

otherwise forgettabout it........LOL

Roy, it's still in a buddies hands for "editing". I don't exactly what he's doing with it, but if I end up on some website, "Good anglers gone bad" or "REAL fun with bass" I'm gonna be ticked. I should at least get royalties! LOL

See ya on the lake! Already got my NY license.

Bob G.