Am I crazy or what ????

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Gilbert Scales2

Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2003
Reaction score
Don't know about you folks, but I sure miss Neeley not making any post anymore. I know he has a new boat, and making a ton of money with his store. Heck, Uncle Billy has a new truck, and still hangs around us. Toxic has a new ride and still post.

All kidding aside, he was always good for a laugh or kind word. Hope everything is O.k., Ken, and I hope your Son is well.

Got to run, it's time for my meds.

He's busier than a one-legged man in a.........well, you know.

The shop, as those who have owned their own businesses already know, is all-consuming. He's lurking...creepy thought......

he aint lurking....he pays someone to do that for him now! lol

actually he is busy, but not THAT busy. esp since christmas and deer hunting are over. once the show season winds down he will be back....well for a bit...until spring turkey and fishing starts up.....get the drift?

he is a different guy now that he has to work in stead of sitting a computer all day trying to sell cars and/or

"Making a ton of money with his store"....well...not yet,..but he will be real soon and he's doing it the RIGHT WAY!! He's reinvesting EVERYTHING he makes back into his inventory!! His store is first class now and he has a GREAT sales staff....they're all very knowledgeable and everyone in there is an expert at one thing or another and his customers know they can get great products at a fair price with top shelf CS. THAT will make him a LOT of $$ eventually!! I'm very happy for him and his family,....they went WAYYY out on a limb to pull this off, and even though he's working 80hrs a week, was a gamble that has paid off well ahead of schedule, and considering the economic environment that we live in here in MI...and he's actually "growing"...says a LOT about his skills, business sense, and confidence in his family, friends and business plan!!

He's IS the MAN, doubt about it!!
Mac, that is no surprise... Neeley is CS driven and that will succeed. I wish him the best.... I just hope he remembers all of us little people when he gets to the top...LOL;)
Good for Neeley ,it couldn't happen to a nicer guy. Yes working for a living does have a tendency to change a person. lol

I hope he makes it big time.

Happy New Year men.

Neely is for sure working his behind off......but like Mac said, he is still growing thE business!!!!

Hope to entice him down here sometime for a DC trip or something!
I am thinking the same thing CIII. We all ned a break from this snow so I think a hot side trip needs to happen before Vanetines Day!
Thanx fella's for the thoughts. :)

Busier than heck with show season and ice-fishing right now, and getting my inventory ordered and stocked for the soft-water season.

But today....I'm home sick....been sick all weekend, spent NY's eve in bed, yesterday in bed, trying to get healthy for the show next week.
He's lurking Tox... He's REALLY LURKING... OH NOOOOOOOOOOO, NOT THAT!:eek:

Just kidding and I hope you feel better soon Ken! I know you're very busy, we just miss ya!

Uncle Billy


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