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Paul Vachon

New Member
Mar 10, 2005
Reaction score
Since there have been a couple new people posting i figured i would too. I have posted in the past. I love this site. It has given me alot of usefull information. See my library for a few pictures of my boat and a couple of toads from central Mass.

Favorite quote. When ever i feel blue, i breath again.
Welcome Paul! Count on me for dink pictures!
Paul, a "husband dream" is quite an overstatement. Ha! I hear similar things fromt time to time and I sit and wonder where all these guys were in high school and college...oh ya, they were chasing the cheerleaders. :)
"Hey there. Paul....."

There I go... Showing my age again... A line from a song from the 50's.....


welcome Paul,

if you find yourself fishing any tournys up in NH, give me a ring. i will lend any lake info i have.

Glad to have you aboard. We treat newcomers with kid gloves for a time.

Well, times up! Plenty of 'Tin Lizzies' here also. King Tin will chime in when he get's a chance.

That was fast, wasn't it.

Welcome Paul! Great site and lots of members from the Northeast.

Teri is NOT a husband's dream. I'm a husband and she threatened me with a restraining order if I ever dreamt of her :).
Speaking of King Tin (Thanks Tex!!) - Welcome Paul!!

We're a bunch of lunatics and crazy fisher folks!!
