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Greg Meyer

Well-Known Member
Sep 27, 2001
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In this month's issue of the Transylvanian Journal of Medicine...the results of a six month study was released. The basic results are that apparenmly in some hard core fishermen...the effects of cabin fever can be permanent brain damage...Luckily for us...nobody here exhibits behavior that woould support that conclusion...NOT!
Red, yellow, blue, green, NOOOO, stop it. Don't touch me. Yes, I'm a very good fisherman, yeah, dad let's me fish in the driveway, 5 minutes 'til season, 5 minutes 'til season Ray! Yeah, I have 4,876,934 baits in my box! yeah, yeah, I'm a very good fisherman!
Easy Rob...Can anybody help me get his sleeves hooked to the back of this jacket...He could hurt himself with a treble hook at any moment...Maybe if we blindfold him...stand him next to a running lawnmower (could use his rear bagger Bravada) slosh water in a bucket and let him cast a practice plug we might minimize the effects...
OK Rob I think I hear your song comming on the radio...

There comming to take me away, Ha Ha, There comming to take me away, Ho Ho, to the funny farm...
...where life is beautiful all day long, and I'll be happy to see those nice young men in their clean white coats cause their coming to take me away!!!!!!
Alright...alright so those TRansyvanian Doctors were right...And there is no known cure/repair...sad...a whole internet community stricken down in their prime!
What was the one about the truckload of bananas going down the hill into Scranton, Pennsylvania?
"...I don't want a pickle, just wanna ride on my motor-sickle...I don't wanna to die, just wanna ride on my motor-cy--cle..."
At least I have my friends. See YOU guys REALLY understand me! Not like those people that listen in on the phone. And the TV, I know it watches me when I sleep! Oh NO, there here for me! Help, get away, stop talking to me, I JUST WANNA FISHHHHH!!! AHHH!!!! It's the fever, got it bad now, must go, have to save humanity, no rescue in sight, can't breath.......everythings getting dim now.. I feel cold!

Even Pierre's boat is broken, so no tag along fishing either. Quick, everyone, save yourselves, I'm a jinx!
Easy Rob...Just tighten those expensive alloy jacknuts that hoild the aluminum foil in your hat and everything will work out...Folks is there like a boat repair equivalent to euthenasia...maybe we need to consider drastic measures...hey you don't suppose he's been drinking the fluid in those prok rind jars, do you? THat stuff is "potent" some of my rinds are a "few" years old and just fine...
I knew it wouldn't be long before the jacknuts came out!
I've never heard one about bananas. McCall sang one about aload of live chickens on a 1948 Peterbuilt flatbed going over the 37 miles of hell at the top of the Continental Divide called "Wolf Creek Pass."


Me an' Earl was haulin' chickens on a flatbed out of Wiggins, and we'd spent all night on the uphill side of thirty-seven miles of hell called Wolf Creek Pass. Which is up on the Great Divide?

We was settin' there suckin' toothpicks, drinkin' Nehi and onion soup mix, and I said, "Earl, let's mail a card to Mother then send them chickens on down the other side. Yeah, let's give 'em a ride."


Wolf Creek Pass, way up on the Great Divide

Truckin' on down the other side

Well, Earl put down his bottle, mashed his foot down on the throttle, and then a couple'a ****s with a thousand cubes in a nineteen-forty-eight Peterbilt screamed to life. We woke up the chickens.

Well, we roared up offa that shoulder sprayin' pine cones, rocks, and boulders, and put four hundred head of them Rhode Island reds and a couple a' burnt-out roosters on the line. Look out below; 'cause here we go!

Well, we commenced to truckin' and them hens commenced to cluckin' and then Earl took out a match and scratched his pants and lit up the unused half of a dollar cigar and took a puff. Says "My, ain't this purdy up here."

I says, "Earl, this hill can spill us. You better slow down or you gonna kill us. Just make one mistake and it's the Pearly Gates for them eight-five crates a' USDA-approved cluckers. You wanna hit second?"


Wolf Creek Pass, way up on the Great Divide

Truckin' on down the other side

Well, Earl grabbed on the shifter and he stabbed her into fifth gear and then the chromium-plated, fully-illuminated genuine accessory shift knob come right off in his hand. I says, "You wanna screw that thing back on, Earl?"

He was tryin' to thread it on there when the fire fell off a' his cigar and dropped on down, sorta rolled around, and then lit in the cuff of Earl's pants and burned a hole in his sock. Yeah, sorta set him right on fire.

I looked on outta the window and I started countin' phone poles, goin' by at the rate of four to the seventh power. Well I put two and two together, and added twelve and carried five; come up with twenty-two thousand telephone poles an hour.

I looked at Earl and his eyes was wide, his lip was curled, and his leg was fried. And his hand was froze to the wheel like a tongue to a sled in the middle of a blizzard. I says, "Earl, I'm not the type to complain; but the time has come for me to explain that if you don't apply some brake real soon, they're gonna have to pick us up with a stick and a spoon."

Well, Earl rared back, and cocked his leg, stepped as down as hard as he could on the brake, and the pedal went clear to the floor and stayed there, right there on the floor. He said it was sorta like steppin' on a plum.

Well, from there on down it just wasn't real purdy: it was hairpin county and switchback city. One of 'em looked like a can full'a worms; another one looked like malaria germs. Right in the middle of the whole damn show was a real nice tunnel, now wouldn't you know?

Sign says clearance to the twelve-foot line, but the chickens was stacked to thirteen-nine. Well we shot that tunnel at a hundred-and-ten, like gas through a funnel and eggs through a hen, and we took that top row of chickens off slicker than scum off a Lousiana swamp. Went down and around and around and down 'til we run outta ground at the edge of town. Bashed into the side of the feed store... in downtown Pagosa Springs.


Wolf Creek Pass, way up on the Great Divide

Truckin' on down the other side

Wolf Creek Pass, way up on the Great Divide

Truckin' on down the other side

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Mo....I laughed till I cried...at Wolf Creek Pass...how those scraped off chickens died!...Well gas through a funnel and poles at 4 to the seventh...are a hell of way to arrive...But if you're goin to the Pagosa Springs Feed Store...you should know to lay off the gas at Wolf Creek Pass or as sure as not you'll die...

Then there's.....

"Lord, won't ya buy me

A Double-ya Nine?

My friends all drive Tee-Sixes

Very sim-lar to mine.

Buy it from Arrow;

Give Scot-tee your time.....

Oh, Lord, won't ya buy me

a Double-ya Nine!"

- Janis Joplin

"Thank you! Thank you very much!"

- me!
When my Boss saw that picture - he said his first thought was "Honey, I've shrunk the kids!"
Scott, I just know that when the fever wears down, I'll come up with something good about that pic, but right now I'm still in a state of hysteria awaiting my first real fishing trip of the year! Now, I have to work on the Bravada tomorrow. Can't even fish from shore.....stop laughing at me! You're all the same, you just want my fish! WELL YOU CAN'T HAVE I SAY! YOU'LL HAVE TO KILL ME FIRST, THEIR MINE, ALL MINE!!! HA HA HAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!
Ladies and gentleman, Elvis has LEFT the building!
ok trivia time. when the song "funny farm" came out on 45. what was on the other side? stan

Boy, you're showing your age now!

Answer: "There're Coming To Take Me Away Again, Ha-Haaa"
scott,the scranton song is 30,000 lbs of bananas,i think it was harry chapin!supposedly true story also.

nice w900,need a hitch on it for towing the canoe??we have a stake body with a liftgate here at the shop that will fit it!

Be careful I don't decide to get revenge on behalf of all the old guys...and demonstrate how you remove jack nuts quickly using small hand power tools!!!!
Ain't it the truth, Greg! Likely that half the people on this board bought their first album on CD!

I think my first LP purchase was one by Paul Revere and the Raiders! And it was in MONO!


HA!!!..speakin o'firsts,....here's a couple doozies!!! My first .45??? It was "Snoopy and the Red Baron" by Paul revere and the raiders!!...probably early to mid 1960's!!

ahahaha,...and my First LP??..Iron Butterfly,..In-a-gadda-da-vida!!"....man that was a painful memory!! I need a nap!

Hey...maybe life is like Golf...We need a "Seniors Tour"...
OK Stan i'll take a guess - what was on the B side of the 45 with Funny Farm on the A side?? I'm thinking either Fish Heads, or Erving (the 142 fastest gun in the west)??

I LOVED the Dr. Demento show when I was kid in Indy.
as soon as i get my boat back next week I'll be "touring" alright!!...docks, canals, shallows, breaklines, weedbeds, etc...man i'm jonzin'!!! lol
the 45 my friend had, had the same song played in reverse on the b side. can you tell i didn't get to go fishing this weekend? thanks stan
Marke...I can STILL hurt you...I a retired Deputy not a deceased one....careful BOY!!!! LMMFJNO