8:41am EST Sat - Anyone want to chat??

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Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2000
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With the kids watching TV, beka in bed and ICE out side, i'm in the chat room!!
Mike L - I see you in the chat room but every time I press Send on something it doesn't show up??
Not your PC Mike, i had the same problem. Probably iced over somewhere!! LOL
Iced over!!!....Another Northern Joke!!!!

At least you have been getting to use your boat and catch some fish. Looks like you have been having some nice winter days out by your posts. You and Eli going out tomorrow?? Tell him to catch a big one for me!
Mike - I have been out a BUNCH this winter!! WIsh we could get out tomorrow, supposed to be low -40's and rain right now, instead of the 50s and sun they predicted earlier in the week. So it looks like our next chance is next weekend.

Today we're staying in, cleaning up the playroom and watching cartoons!

Can you believe it's been FIVE years since we bought our PC 175s!! You see I put a SE SPort 200 foil on mine last month? Hole shot doesn't seem that much improved (but didn't hurt it either) but I have noticed a MUCH better ride at mid-range and it does stay on plane at lower speed speeds and handles crisper.

Trep I still think of it as the new boat, but it has seen Five fishing seasons already!

Looking forward to the 'sixth season' on the water! It must be nice living somewhere that your 'season' is all year round! LOL!
Mike - I know what you mean about "I still think of it as the new boat"!! Its funny since this is my first real boat, but with Cars (new or new to me) i get bored and consider them old and look for new ones at about a year (of course since i've been married 13 years I don't buy/sell them every 12-18 months like i used to!!! LOL).

The more I look at new/other boats the more I like mine. I keep saying in 20 months when I turn 40 I want a new one, but I can NOT see spending $20k++ for a new one (fish/ski or like an Avalanche), and even 10-15k for a used on, given I need to keep the wieght down to tow with the van, i'm still thinking of keeping her. If anything right now i'm thinking of repowering her to a 75 Merc. I'd go with a 4-6 yearold Carb'd motor and see about a swap with some cash. That would help when the family is doing water sports in the summer, and get me quicker down the lake from the ramp by the house.

Of course who knows in 20 months, IBM stock could go WAY up and I might have enough bought at company discount to buy a decent used boat, or it goes the otherway (and/or raises and bonus's) and I keep her and the 40!
Trep just wants me to commit to when I'm going to trade/sell the Stratos to get a bigger rig!

We're getting the crap that Trep is getting, just 6-8 hours afterward. It started this morning much earlier than predicted. We got snow early, then changed to freezing rain, now we are in a 1-2 hour gap. Then it starts again.

Roads are bad and getting worse.
