"Who's Got an Idea for a Contest" contest!

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Staci Matheis

Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2000
Reaction score
Today, I received a copy of "White Feather, Carlos Hathcock USMC Scout Sniper".....

Signed inside "To my 'Long Range' Fishing Buddies! Semper Fi! Carlos Hathcock III".....

When he told me he was going to send a door prize, he didn't say it was going to be the most coveted prize from all 4 rallies!

In his e-mail, he had requested "Make a contest for it or something..you know closest lure to the center or something like that HAHAHAHAHAHA". Ya gotta love that guy!


What should we do for a contest?
Lightest Adult Boat owner!! I win!!
Smallest Fish - I win again!!! LOL
Wait how about "first Mini-Van towed boat at the Moors" - I WIN!!!
Ok, i've got a BAD cold, feel like cr*p, and am waiting for the nyquil to kick in!! Kids are asleep, work stinks and the wife is off at a book club. I'm dying for a cold beer and the hot tub, but need to kick this cold so I can be the ever romamtic husband for my wife's birthday this weekend.
In honor of Teri, first one to punch me wins :). Mini's DQ'd since he's gonna be in the area anyway.
Since "distance and accuracy" are critical skills in a snipers "Trep-atoire"(sorry,..could'nt resist a shot at nyquil boy!!..LOL) I think you need a contest for "distance and accuracy" via a land based casting contest. (ala Casting Kids)

Every participant at the rally gets 3 casts at a bucket/pail/wastebasket,etc. 40yds "down range"..with the bait of their choice and the closest person to dropping it in the bucket wins the book! Anybody who shows up in full camo gets 4 casts and if you show up in a guille suit you get 5 casts from 1/2 the distance!! (after all...That's what sniping is all about!!..LOL!!)

Make it fun..but challenging!!


How about "Most likely to start banning people from the web site unless I win" contest?
Wow...just because Rich has a website, he thinks he can just start making up all of the rules!!! Ok....you win Rich! LOL!

I like the casting contest.

Bob G.
How about the "oldest" owner of the "oldest" Ghillie Suit... Need not be present to win rule applies!!!!
How bout everyone stand down wind about 400 yards from friend Carlos and the one he misses wins the book...

Hmmmm...Im not gunna be there at the rally but since I do hunt...I like the Ghilly suit idea Mac...lol.

How about the biggest rack wins? I might actually win that one. HA!
Ok, then I get to be the "rack" judge!! LOL!

Bob G.
LOL, Teri!

Wish I could be there this year, (work and family obligations equals don't even think about it)sounds like you're all going to once again have a fantastic rally.

Casting contest sounds good,(distance) or a flipping contest

(short range).

Or........... ugliest legs........gaudiest fishing wear, hat, etc. hmmmm let's see, sandals, black knee high socks, bermuda shorts, Hawaiian shirt, cowboy hat..... yeah, that'd do the trick.
I think all us NTOWS guys would like to be a "rack" judge..hope it's cold and rainy that day;)!

I was just joking around. You would be pretty disappointed I think.

I know you were just joking....but hey...if a female is gonna show em...I'm gonna look!

Bob G.
Now I really HAVE to make it down there.

I'll offer my judging abilities,since it's for such a good cause.


I got it.....

Rubber bands at 10 paces!

Nyquil Boy is the target!
Hey me! keep your AAA hands off my home brew!!! LOL

No Nyquil tonite, trying to go off the bottle tonite!!! :)

can't tell hour to hour if i'm better or worse, we'll see in the morning.

And if i'm the Target then I get to CHOOSE who I let hit me, 'cause if I turn sideways I disappear!!!! BWWWAAAA
It would seem that you are still suffering some lingering effects from the Nyquil.....

AAA = American Automobile Association.

AA = Alcoholics Anonymous.

I have never, in any way, been associated with AAA.

AA is another matter! LOL!! Celebrated 23 years of sobriety last September 1st! I am so very proud of myself!

I also think you should walk back and forth, Michael..... Kinda like the ducks do in a shooting gallery..... And if you could develop a repertoire of sounds..... Like some sort of "bing!" when you're hit..... And a "cre-e-ek" when you make your turn..... And maybe Carlos could give you some pointers on how to do the "about face" quickly and smoothly at the end of each pass.....

Now, we can't count the red marks on the cheeks..... The first couple of shooters would have the advantage..... After 20 or 30 strikes, you wouldn't be able to tell one welt from another..... Some maybe we could have a sound meter available an judge the quality of the hit by the strength of the "bling!".....

Just a few thoughts..... Any other ideas?


I sure am having fun at your expense! LOL!!
