What have we become?

  • Thread starter TOMMY RICH [URL]http://www.foxnews.com/politics/20
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The Supreme Court, in an 8-1 decision, ruled Wednesday that members of the renegade Westboro Baptist Church have a constitutionally protected right to protest military funerals even though their demonstrations are widely despised and deplored. :angry:

The case presented the justices with a high-profile question about the breadth of First Amendment speech and assembly protections. A majority of justices ruled that these fundamental rights outweigh the concerns of grieving family members who would rather not deal with what they say are obnoxious protesters from the Kansas church.

Well...I also think it will lead to a bunch of fed-up citizen's and angry Vet's also "organizing" at funerals where these people protest,..and they will exercise their right to kick their obnoxious asses into next week. A few good beatings will send the "church" the proper message....:rolleyes: "Organize and protest if you want,...just bring a lot of gauze and band-aids!"

I agree with ya Tee. I'm all for freedom of speech and the rest of our freedoms, but there is a time and place for everything and a military funeral is not the place. I think the Westboro Baptist Church forgot how they got their freedoms. Fred Phelps and his followers will have to answer for their actions one day.
There is a group of Real Americans out there called The Patriot Guard. They provide a service to the families of out fallen heroes. Check them out http://www.patriotguard.org
I agree totally Mac on sending them SOB's the message that we want them to know!

Protest...it's your right.

You'll limp away though!

These people have NO compassion and are totally off base!

A good asskickin' is what they need:angry:
While I do not agree at all with the actions of the demonstrators (simply reprehensible), they do have the right. At any time, if the courts (or anyone else for that matter) starts limiting our right to assembly and free speech simply because one group (or individual) disagrees with the another - we are in trouble.

They do have the right to assemble,...........and so do the people who oppose their actions. That's all we're sayin'.......oh..and don't forget the gauze!! ;)
There's also a VERY fine line between freedom of speech and invasion of privacy!

If it were one of my family members....I'd be in jail.;)
Yeah, I'd have to agree for certain. Comes under that same category as those that want to burn the flag.

Burn it at your own peril, if I'm in the area.


The law had better figure out a way to keep these nuts away or some grieving family member is going to snap and it isn't going to be pretty. Then some person who is a normal every day law abiding citizen ends up in jail while these nuts get their moment on tv.:angry:
Hey Tee,

I'm sorry my good friend but I can't answer this right now.. What is nice though is that I am getting another chance in my life to talk/answer and old friend of my mine named Tee! And I like that chance..

Uncle Billy
I really dread what this world Is coming to for my Great Grandkids...Times are a changin and for the worse....
Well Thanx Unc...your welcome:cool:

There comes a time when we won't be walked upon anymore.(Don't tread on me)

That may be sooner than we think.
It's easy to appreciate the First Amendment when you like what you are hearing. It's much harder to appreciate it when the message makes your blood boil.

The Westboro church people are low life scum, but I prefer to live in a country where free speech is absolutely protected, for the simple reason that once government gets away with trampling one form of unpopular speech, it will eventually get around to other forms.

Their behavior is wrong to be sure, but is correct to protect their right to behave poorly. That said, when folks who find this behavior abhorrant, get off their fat asses and counter-protest [Patriot Guard is very good at this, bless every one of them] these ne'er-do-wells are marginalized.
I despise that "church", but respect the 1st Ammendment ruling. It's just as easy to block them out and eliminate their infamy through the media. I've seen groups use bed sheets on poles to completely block out the group, not to mention the Patriot Guard, Rolling Thunder, AMVETS, American Legion,...the list goes on with incredible people defeating the Westboro bums at their own game. I've even heard of troubles they've had with flat tires when they return to their vehicles and no one would sell them new ones or replace them in the town they were protesting at. :rolleyes: You reap what you sew. ;):lol:
I've even heard of troubles they've had with flat tires when they return to their vehicles and no one would sell them new ones or replace them in the town they were protesting at.

I'm not sure destroying someone else's property is a righteous act, but not selling them new tires...that's one I love!
Here is me exercising my right to free speech **** ALL OF THEM!!!!!!!!!!!! Let them put that in thier pipe and smoke it. Bastards!
Nitro, you're standing on my lawn at the moment, so your free speech rights are subject to limitations here.

Since I happen to agree with you...rock on!
When we ask the govt to protect us, we inevitably give up freedoms. RE-ObamaCare. Don't agree with the idiots but support the ruling of the SCOTUS. They got it right.........unfortunately.
