Transom Savers

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Andrew Zuber

Well-Known Member
Mar 19, 2001
Reaction score
Smitty's post got me thinking (scary thought!)

Plus, the board seems a bit slow this morning...


Does it matter how high the motor is tilted up when you put it on the trasom saver for trailering?

Just thinking that the higher up it is tilted, the more centered over the transom the weight would be...? Less stress on the transom when hitting our Michigan potholes!

Does it even matter???

Andy, I don't know if there is a specific height that it needs to be. With my transom saver I kept adjusting the length (making it shorter)until the motor sat firmly in the holder. It rides plenty high enough to avoid those Michigan or Illinois pot holes.

I still hope to hit the St. Joe one of these days.

Have a good season

Illinois pot holes? Other than ChiTown I didnt think they existed. Heck we have potholes bigger than some of your lakes.....

You boys should try a Ny city pothole on for size,damn things will swallow your boat whole!...><>...HS
Youns guys are lightweights!! Pennsylvania was voted # 1 for the worst roads in America for like the last 10 years in a row.YAHOOOOOOOOOOO Our tax dollars hard at work.

In pittsburgh we even have a mascot,a guy in a superhero costume that runs around construction zones.

I can't think of his name but its the stupidest thing I've ever seen.

I found it. Our pride and joy.......CONEMAN.......Has his own website and everything.........Im so proud......
Well Mini our lakes aren't very big around here!LOL I know what you mean though. I am originally from Houghton Lake Michigan and they are currently waiting for the roads to lay back down once the frost is out of them.
