Trailer Question

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Scott Hammer TOXIC

Well-Known Member
Jul 16, 2002
Reaction score
Warrenton, VA
Getting ready for my Wisconsin trip and had a "panic attack" about my tires. 2 of the 4 (the brake axle) had worn on the outside a little more than I would like. I "thought" I had enough tire for the trip but had a premonition of being broke down on the side of the road. I do have a spare but it would only be good enough to get me to the next town. It has some funky tread wear. So........I made a call to my local Goodyear dealer yesterday and he could have a pair of Marathons by today sent over from the warehouse. Long story short, I took the trailer in for a good going over (different shop) also. I had 2 spare rims so I had my wife drop them at the dealer and had them mount the "new" tires. Now's where it gets funky....She calls me and asks.."You told me you wanted those balanced right"? And I told her yes. She said the dealer told her they don't normally balance trailer tires.......:huh: I have always had my tires I right? Next she picks them up and when I get home I go to throw them into my truck to take them over to the shop and I notice that all of the "nubbies", those long little rubber pieces are all gone from the tires (tread only, the side ones are still there)?.....I think WTF????? Are they taking those off the tires now? The treads didn't look worn or anything, as a matter of fact there was some white writing on the tread that was dirty but not worn....I'm getting ready to call the dealer and raise holy caine but thought I better put it out and ask first.

maybe the machine that mounts them rubed them off when they were mounted, or they put them in the balancer but never did anything to them.

mike c

Hey Mike....

They balanced them because they had some MAJOR lead in them when I got them back. Just another reason why I always thought they should be balanced. Could be that they rubbed them off mounting but ALL of them on Both tires????:huh:

I doubt they were scrubbed off during mounting or balancing. I don't know why but most of the trailer tires I used to sell did not have the the injection nubbies on the tread either? I doubt it's a problem. You should be able to tell if the tire has ever been on the road before.

I can tell you a storys about the good year dealer I worked for, but it was the dealer not the company that was the problem.

I guess our experiences don't necessarily mean that your dealer isn't ripping you off big time, but when I bought my trailer tires 2 years ago and my truck tires last month there wasn't a nubbin to be seen anywhere. There is no doubt that if the tires had any mileage on them at all, it was measured in feet as workers rolled the tires around.
A few years back I bought 2 "supposedly" new trailer tires from a local dealer. I delivered the tires and rims. When I picked them up they were balanced no "nubbies" and had some small rocks in the tire treads. New tires I asked?? Yes was the answer. I don't think so!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
it could have rubbed them off, depending on the type of machine they used, if it was a load balancer which means it simulates the tire being under load by appling pressure to it when itsa balanced, that is alot of weight, esp if they used the tires rating for each tire verse the boats approx weight. say each tire is rated for 5k verse your 2500 lb boat.

mike c

this is just a guess, but thats how they did my old utility trailer.
Noone touches any of my tires without me being there.

Waaaaaaaaaay too many bad experiences. Don't know what I'm gonna do if "my tire guy" goes outta' buisness:huh:
The only issue I've ever had with trailer tire mounting is trying to it get through their head that trailer tires need around 50 psi, not the usual 28 to 33 psi that they put in grandma's Taurus.

I think they had the shop elf pull them all off just to mess with you?:lol: