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Jim C

Well-Known Member
Oct 9, 2005
Reaction score
I would like to that all my fellow NTOWS members, especially the racist like Uncle Billy and Greg Meyer! Your hatred and racism inspired me to go away from my 3rd party stance and realize that America needs to rid itself of people and politicians, who care more for their racism and personal beliefs than the country as a whole, like yourselves.You are a disgrace and the TRUE terrorists in this country! So, I signed up for the Obama campaign and volunteered to drive voters to the polls to cast their ballots, whether for McCain or Obama. I was elated to see almost TRIPLE voter turnout in my precinct! Amerca at it's best! People actually care again, whether inspired by the war, the economy, or to flush you racists out of OUR America. Take notice good ole boys, this is the NEW America, where we are ONE! Like it or leave it!

Also, I would hate to stoop to the level of Billy and such, but I really, really can't resist!!!!!! I won't drop any N-bombs like him, but I do have to post this thank you pic from President-elect Obama, the first BLACK President of the United States! Swallow that, racist! :p

Yippie, not even in office yet and already the price of oil has shot back up...

You are a class individual all the way. I did not vote for Nobama due to some of his stances and am preparing my company for the worst administration and loss of jobs in the country's history.

I am not racist, but would not have voted for him if he was white, blue or green! You on the other hand exemplify what is wrong with America and cannot and should not be tolerated. It just goes to show what a marketing can do to the weak minded. I hope that he does not do some of the things that he stated and was "bought" to say by his backers (special interest), which he said he wants "out" of Washington but embraced for the money of the election.

And don't confuse America at its best just because people voted. The way the system is set up now and people voting straight ticket, or for skin color, or for a religion or for any other non-political reason is counter productive to the countries needs. People should vote only for the best candidates .... period.

Mac had some great ideas to change the election process but with all the money involved and unlimited terms for all but the president those would never get put in place.

So if you feel better calling others names because "your" candidate won and running your nose up in the air I only have one thing to say and it comes from my youngest ... "you're a Poo Poo Head!"

You have a serious case of diarreha of the mouth, constipation of the brain. There was never any question of who you were voting for. What counts is you never swayed any votes here. We all know you sure tried.

Somebodies been drinking the kool-aid again !:lol:
You're not even worth the response I was going to type. I just hope that you and your family don't suffer TOO much from his policies and tactics. It will just be a matter of time before the "wolf in sheep's clothing" appears and all that voted for him will be standing there wondering WTH they voted for someone like that!!!

BTW, real classy pic there. I'm sure your "messiah" would be very proud of you for that!!! And as far as racism goes, you don't find it racist that Obama received 95% of the black votes, and out of that 95%, how many were 1st time voters, regardless of age? I change my mind, I hope you DO suffer from his policies!!!

Can you prove your claim the Uncle Billy and Greg Meyer are "racist" and that they are "the TRUE terrorists in this country"?

If not you may have opened yourself to a defamation/libel case.

Don't worry you have already stooped below their level. :lol:
I thought we were done with this guy last month. What a total piece of crap he is.
First and last warning: Next personal attack gets a permanent ban.
You know, I guess it's lucky that before I answered THAT personal attack I refreshed the link because Rich, your admonition was not yet posted and I guess I'd have been gone after replying to that attack on me. If your "first and last warning" was directed at Terroreyes, he should have ALREADY been gone! The fact that he's still here able to disrupt and antagonize long term members only convinces me that the warning was aimed at any retribution that he would have had to suffer from myself or anyone who had already answered. And, if I have to listen to that garbage from someone who already provided a fake e-mail address and no last name, along with the crap he spread the last time he was on here, with no chance of responding to protect my name or reputation, along with Greg's too, maybe it's best I don't stay or participate here any longer.

BTW Terroreyes, he's an Octoroon you moron. That's 1/8th black and 7/8ths white so there isn't any chance in the world that he's a 'black man'.
I laugh at the charge of "racist"... If you only knew how utterly ridiculous that charge is... I might be a very conservative Republican... I might be scared to heck about what an Obama Presidency will mean to our future... but, "racist"... Nah!

But, when Mayor Daley shows up at the White House with his "list" don't be surprised if it doesn't become Santa-Bama...

We are in for the worst four years...

Let him gloat Rich... He's got what he and others voted for... Unfortunately, he doesn't have what he thought he was getting... So, in the end, he'll be like all those Carter voters... never admitting that they voted for "that fool".:lol:
Hi all,

I have been hanging around here for years and this gent is the first person I truley feel has bad intent. We have great people on this board. This guy is a terd stirrer and has no class. It upsets me to see that someone would just post to piss people off. Ill bet he would never voice those comments in person.:angry::angry:

Jaws, I've been thinking how, or if, to respond for several hours. You took a higher road than I would have, yet said what needed to be said. Rich has done a great job since 2000 when I joined, and I fully expect him to continue.

As they have a tendency in another forum to say, it's easy to be an internet tough guy when you're in your mommy's basement posting.:D


Hi Jack,

There is no need to get Rich involved if you dont like the site. Hes a great guy.

I think I can answer that one. Delete the link from your favorites and never return again. Its that simple:D

Im glad I could be of assistance.

My, a little vain aren't we? You probably think this post is about you ....
Take a pill folks,....don't let a rectal polyp get you all upset...he's not worth it,..ignore him. Rich will handle it if he stirs up more crap.

Carry on!!

Easy now !!! Ya'll better keep an eye on Jack. If he's citing PLESSY v. FERGUSON, he may throw out a KATZENBACH v. McCLUNG reference and shut the whole joint down.:blink:
I think the proper citation is Katzenjammers vs. McGruff.
My, I'm sorry I missed the excitement last month. Someone give me the title so I can go back and read it.
I know what I'M gonna do......

I'M goin fishin tomorrow and not even think about this for a couple of hours!

When it starts peein me off some more, I'll go fishin some more. I think I see a pattern here......

Rich, why do you let this go on? This used to be a very respectful site.
Berry, still is,.....don't let this thread bother's a done deal.
Rich, why do you let this go on? This used to be a very respectful site.

Berry, I've found, in nearly ten years of doing this type of work on the Internet, that ban-happy administrators are often more ruinous to web sites than unruly members. So I ban with great care.

Having said that, Terroreyes won't be joining us anymore.

Thank you Rich. A well reasoned and well founded decision.

Berry, I've found, in nearly ten years of doing this type of work on the Internet, that ban-happy administrators are often more ruinous to web sites than unruly members. So I ban with great care.

You've done a great job of knowing when to let things play out, and on the very few occasions, stepping in and putting a stop to them. My hats off to you, you have alot more patience than I do.;)


GO STEELERS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hey Rich,

That "Go Steelers" thing deserves a ban!!!!!

Brought to you by the whining collection of Bears Fans!
Hey Rich,

That "Go Steelers" thing deserves a ban!!!!!

Brought to you by the whining collection of Bears Fans!

Greg, I'm a Jets fan. That's not a bannable offense. "Go Patriots" or "Go Dolphins" on the other hand...
Ah, the good ole days of being banned.;)

I have learned not to reply to posts like these.:cool:
God rest her soul....yes, I was. Girl fight! But I am more mature now.:p
My loyalty lies with the Colts. Froze my ars off watching them lose to the Titans on Monday night. I am not a Vince Young fan so I am actually enjoying this year more. I am glad to see the Titans doing well so I guess I root for them too, just not when they play the Colts.
The Lions aren't lions, either. That's a bad football team. Sorry.
I fully expect them to win the LAST game of the season by a field goal in O.T. and Ford will be so pumped that he'll give Marinelli a 3 yr extension.

They're beyond "bad" Rich,..they're downright pathetic and a disgrace to the NFL as a whole.....any number of decent college teams could beat them by a wide margin!! I don't think we'll see another home game on TV all year, and I wouldn't be surprised if the Thnxgvg game isn't sold out. They will go 0-16 this year.....and draft a gatoraide mixer in the first round!:angry::blink:
They will go 0-16 this year.....and draft a gatoraide mixer in the first round!

LOL Mac, maybe the Gatoraide mixed will be like the Pepsi machine in the commercials and score some touchdowns.

Seriously i know they have a better record at this point but which franchise is worse? The Lions or the Raiders? The Raiders are 2-7 but they are completly disfunctional as a franchise and it looks like it will only get worse until AL Davis is no longer capable of running the team. I would hate to be a raiders fan right now.

I know it stinks but i have been there as a lifelong Patriots fan. Thru the late 70's and into the 80's until Parcells came they were the doormats of the NFL. Sometimes showing flashes of being good only to come to earth the next season. It was pretty bad, there was almost no TV coverage and you could walk up to the stadium( another pathetic joke the old place was awful) on gameday and buy a good seat 5 min before kickoff. Im glad those times are over.
Mac, let me describe your salvation: Matthew Stafford.

If the UGA QB decides to go pro after this season, he will be the best pure NFL QB prospect out of the draft since Carson Palmer.

Even if the Lions decide not to go QB in the draft (they'd be better off with a veteran anyway), the 1st pick will be worth a ton of value, because there are a bunch of teams that will want Stafford. They could trade down a couple of times in the 1st round and draft some of the blue chip O and D lineman coming out next year. That's what's needed to turn a really bad franchise around. Build from the trenches.

I was thinking of you the other day when the lions were playing..something you said about self destructing before the end of the said that when I was out there in the winter a couple years back......
Having said that, Terroreyes won't be joining us anymore.

I can't say he ever joined us. He just poked his hat holder in to create turmoil, strife and show the world how not to make friends or champion a position. He wanted to change our convictions. He succeded. He convinced Rich to change his mind about allowing such an individual access to our wealth of information and friendship. Rich voted and "the tribe has spoken". <snuffed>

Thanks Rich! :lol::p:D

I have to stand up and take my lumps on the "Terroreyes matter". First, I believe that I brought him to the board. He and I were/are both regulars over on the "adult" fishing site, Walleyecentral (we grownups fish for fish with teeth...:rolleyes:). In point of fact, until this "racist" accusation (something from way out of left field) as a result of my convictioins that Obama was a bad choice, I believed that despite our differences we were "internet friends" (I and others here had supported him in his resoltion of a boat problem with Tracker...he did get screwed by them). Anyway, sorry.

BTW, Terroreyes did and still does sell great custom tackle. So, for the life of me I do not know why a guy in a "business" catering to fishermen would self destruct on a fishing website. I will have to ask him that after some time passes.

Not sure of his status, but Harrell out of Texas Tech, would have to come under significant consideration. This kid is 'Mr. Cool', and really knows his stuff as QB. Can't wait to see how Tech does in 2 weeks against OK.

No reason to be sorry Rich.

Sorry is what the people that STILL go to the game are. I have given up all hope for the Lions and the NFL until this gets turned around. Kinda makes me wish the lions were owned by Toyota instead of Ford.

Oh we tried that build from the trenches too.

What we NEED is new ownership, new players, new front office, and a new logo!

Thats abotu the only things that havent changed here yet. I would rather field UofM (yes another disappointment) than the lions.

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