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Mike Page

Well-Known Member
Mar 5, 2011
Reaction score
Can anyone tell me where to get a good pair of sunglasses with readers in them??? I have bought some from Wallyworld B-4, Renegade fishing glasses w/readers which I really liked but can't find them now....What out there is GOOD for the close up visually IMPAIRED???

thanks, mike
I :lol: because I share the same problem. Wore Cocoons until I stumbled across sunglasses with a bifocal portion in Sam's Club. Can't tell the brand, but they are wun-der-ful. Good luck on your search. Will keep my eyes peeled.
I found a pair in the sunglass case at Bass Pro last year. I don't remember the brand but, I know I couldn't find them in the catalog after I bought them. They were about $80 and I really like them. I had a pair I bought at Gander Mtn a few years ago that were plastic and about $20. The bi-focal was too high for my liking but they worked.

Bass Pro.

I broke down and bought bi-focals from Wiley-X last summer. They are simply GREAT. Ordered them off the internet. If you have your 'perscription', you simply just need to put the information in and order them.

I used the 'standard' bi-focal distance and they worked fine for me.

I had tried several of the bi-focal readers that they have at Bass Pro and other places, really didn't like them.

Look at Call their 1-800 number and request to have reader inserts added to a pair of their outstanding sunglasses. Dr. Nesty (owner) is an optometrist / bass fisherman, and he can hook you up the right way.

All the best,

I'm with TritonGlenn on this one. I love Solarbats. I know they can even do a prescription set if you send them the script. I believe Buzz did that with one of their top end sets that comes with all 4 lens colors. And if I remember correctly, the lenses are warrantied for life.

I do a LOT of sight fishing, and the Solarbats in amber are by far the best I've found. Everyone's eyes are different though, keep that in mind.
I bought a pair at Bass Pro Shop two weeks ago in the Fly Rod section of the store. They are really nice and cost me $29.99.

Uncle Billy
thanks to all, will have to look at all the possibilities. :wacko: