Okay - who is gonna win ???

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Texas Transplant

Well-Known Member
Feb 24, 2001
Reaction score
Fort Worth, TX
We seem to have all kinds of polls, so we might as well have a NTOWS poll.

Not necissairly a question on who you support, but rather what do you think will happen.

Who, in your opinion, will win the election tonight, for (President)?

Will it be a squeaker; just close; good margin or a substantial victory for one or the other?

Will your state, be on the winning or losing side of the election?


President Bush will be relected.

He will receive over 300 Electoral votes (good margin).

SC will vote with the President.

It will be the closest election in history, both from the Electoral and Popular vote.

The Lawyers will win the most.
I think Nixon will get it...I voted for him..JR
Hey Jr.

Nixon was my MAN!!

Honestly I think Kerry will win by a substantial margin. People are tired of Americans getting Killed in Iraq and can't draw a parallel between the whole terroist/middle east situation. Kerry's "I can make it all better" speal from health care to jobs, works on people who are afraid of doing what you have to do to make us safe.

I'm praying nonstop that I'm wrong.

Okay, let's not wander too far from the subject with our rhetoric, or we will wind up throwing things at one another.

Like Sgt. Friday always says, 'Just the facts ma'am'.

President Bush will be re-elected by a slim margin (If I'm wrong may God help us all). Of course my State will be on his side (TX).

I think Kerry will win. I think we will see a lot of unexpected new and or younger voters plus more minorities and those groups normally lean towards Democrats.

Either way it will be tight. Kerry will most likely win PA.

Rich D
I have read theories (?) which support Rich D's scenario. The new "cellular only" population who have not been reached by the polls. The demographic for these people tends to be young, professional, urban.....historically democrat leaning voters. It will be interesting to see if the theory proves to be accurate.
Looks tight to me but I refise to watch the news all day and night and listen to some of these idiots. I am hoping "W" wins. As a Vet, I just can't support Kerry.


OK to keep this on Tex's original theme:

Kerry will be elected.

SLIM margin and the Lawyers on BOTH sides will go to work, wish I was in that field!!!

GA will vote with the President.

For everybody's sanity I hope it is by a wide margine either way.

I can't handle four more years of argueing about who actually won the election.
Steve - I agree 100%, I voted for Bush but am not confident at this point and it realy seems too close to call. But if it's a close win for either candidate, you are RIGHT - it will be 4 more years of XXX was "selected not elected", the YYYY people of state XX were not allowed to vote, and so on...
I believe that The President will be re-elected. But, I do not believe we will know until the end of the week or even until as late as the 10th... Thousands of overseas military ballots won't get counted till then...

The "new" voters consist of various demographic groups, probably split somewhere near 50-50 as is the nation.

I do think the most likely scenario is that the lawyers win the most tonight.
George W to win, Kerry will be playing Ketchup all day..

(I have waited all day to say that)

I'm just glad it's coming to an end finally, I think I'll agree with Greg M.on the winner. I think my state will be close but will go for Kerry.

Bush will get re-elected by a slim margin, but I do think we'll (or those that decide to stay up LATE)have a winner tonight, and a concession speech and acceptance speech too, and by morning it'll be over and done with. I won't say who I voted for in keeping with the theme Tex was going for. egMike
You're right Steve!!!

Just think, no matter who wins, Iron City beer in Aluminium Cans!!! NOW THATS what makes America GREAT!!!
God, there's one in every crowd!


Got this in late, I don't mean you Bubby. It's the "stealing" reference that got to me.
Moot point now!! Gotta say that the very "vocal" Kerry supporters better tuck tail and wait for another candidate who has more of what it takes to run this country.

President Bush got more votes than any other President in HISTORY. Way to go GW!!

Well, let's hope that Sen. Kerry and Sen. Edwards reflect well, and do the proper thing. It certainly appears to be over.

Also, the youth vote never materialized as the Dem's thought it would. One of the key points that many thought would not happen. Just ask Howard Dean what happens when you depend upon that factor.

Tired. Stayed up way too late.

It is a shame he won again. Oh well, the congress is still pretty even so he won't be able to screw too many things up.

Rich D
HAHAHAHA....The Republicans got major victories in both the Senate and the House (ask Daschle what happens if you don't get out and work for the vote). It's time to give GW the freedom to git er' done!!I have kept quiet because I am not a political animal (even though I am in the center of it everyday), but Kerry scared me. From day one he did nothing but point out the flaws in the Bush house and yes he had solutions....mega trillion dollar solutions. The young vote is the inexperienced, easily swayed, gulliable, nieve, vote and thank heavens they stayed on the couch eating their Cool Ranch Doritos and blew off going to the polls. Osama even came out and said he didn't want Bush re-elected...jeeze, that's reason enough for me right there.

I think the tide is changing,....a LOT of people are tired of the liberal agenda and all that it stands for....and they have SPOKEN!! The USA needs to take care of business despite unpopular public opinion,...and GWB is doing EXACTLY that. 50yrs from now the historians will say that THIS election was a major tuning point in our history. The conservative conventional wisdom put us back on track!!

Now,....bin Laden,.....you're NEXT!!

KERRY for President:......of FRANCE!!
The US needs to take care of business here. I don't see that being done by W. Not enough jobs, not enough being done to help our children or our seniors and he is slowly destroying the environment. I am middle of the road myself. Bush is too far right, Kerry too far left. I mainly voted for Kerry because, well I think W is an idiot, and I hoped to get Edwards in the office eventually.

Rich D
Well,...sometimes ya need a PR**K in charge to get it done!!

Atleast the terrorists know where they stand under "W"...

as far as home,...we'll giter-done here too..you CANNOT blame Bush for what happened to the economy post 9/11. It wouldn't have mattered WHO was in the WH then.."W" or "Gore"..that one cut all the way to the bone and it's far more convenient and easier to place blame,..then it is to "fix it". Just watch the stock market over the next 90 days..it's already on the rise again now that "W" is "probably" going to stay in,....I think we'll see some significant upward movement in the job market very soon too!! Any President needs 8 years to make any changes that they can take credit for anyway IMHO,...the first 4 years are the hardest,....especially if you get attacked in your own yard!! What we REALLY need is a bi-partisan effort to fix the problems....meet in the middle and GET IT DONE!!

Carry on...



Yeah, but I still liked him. I think he has the intelligence and strength to be a good president.


I agree with the bipartisan effort, but I don't see it happening. Too many personal agendas in today's politics. I don't blame W for the slump after 9-11, I just don't think he has done enough to improve it. But my view, like everyones, is limited. If I had the answers, I wouldn't be here crying in my coffee!

One good thing, only 4 months to Baseball Spring training! If the Sox can finally win, maybe there is hope for the Pirates!

Rich D
Agreed, it's time to put politics aside and work together to make things happen. The Dems got spanked in every catagory but like true Americans we should all pull together to make a difference. There is a reason that there has not been a Northern Democrat in the whitehouse since Kennedy, as soon as the Dems figure that out they will have a chance. Dems better hope that Hillary is not next in line to run.

It's not that they didn't or won't hold him accountable,.....it's just that the alternative was worse!!..LOL
I'm tired of hearing about the economy. At least around my way. You literally can't get into a restaurant because of the crowds. You never see an old car. And as for lost jobs, you can't go a half block around here without seeing a help wanted sign.

Every Post Office around here has had signs out for over a year and can't get help. One twenty year old I talked to asked me why he should work for $18.00 an hour, TO START!Geeezzzzzz.


And Kerry's "plan" was......???? Oh, that's right, critisize and prophesize.......never give specifics. Big government controlled healthcare, out of control social programs, compromised security, slave to the UN, $10 a gallon gas prices, 75% tax rate. The proof is at the polls America has spoken. Take your lumps and suk it up. And if you think for a second that policy comes out of the oval office, study up.

They Did Hold GW accountable for his actions, that's why he won! Popular and Electoral!

Thank you Heartland, from NJ GOP.

It will be interesting to see how Senator Kerry positions himself later today. Let's all remember this:

All the votes will be counted. Regardless whether someone gives a concession speech or not, the actual vote totals determine the outcome of the election. Period. TV/Radio/Newspaper predictions and 'calls' - do not in fact determine the election.

Most of the news organizations are holding any more projections, until they get additional direction from both camps (who may or may not concede, who may or may not challenge, who may or may not claim victory). Even though, it certainly appears that the President was re-elected to a second term in office.

For the most part, the canvas has been painted, and we are just waiting on the paint to dry properly. Regardless of how many provisional ballots in Ohio may be valid and counted, it is very likely that they will mirror (in general), the trends of the regular ballots counted last night. Trying to close a gap of approximately 140,000 votes, is a monumental task.

My sincere hope is that neither side, attempts to drag this through the courts. Let the votes be counted, and let's get on with life.

Stepping down off my soapbox, now.


I agree. Let every vote count, and get back to business.

Rich D
Boy! Never been so glad to be wrong in my life. Not that I'm a huge G.W fan but Kerry had me scared. As a second ammendment advocate I was prepared for the worse.

Daschle had it coming. His state depends a lot on the sportsman coming and spending money. He did nothing to help them in this manner.

Now lets just pray that Bush gets it done right.


PS Now lets get on with the real interesting stuff. Scott Peterson Guilty or NOT Guilty?
I want to tip my hat to Sen. Kerry. Just read where he has phoned the President and conceded the election. He will be holding a press conference around 1PM today.

Even with all the rhetoric of the past 3 months, it is nice to know that Sen. Kerry understands and exhibits the traits of a statesman. I appreciate that, even though I do not agree with many of his policies and statements.

My hat's off to him, for acting responsibly, given the circumstances.

You can bet he ain't doing it out of "statemanship" or for the good of the party, or the good of the country. Sorry, I am at ground zero, I have seen the boiler room of government. I live it every day and cannot escape it. Finding an honest politician is like finding a vegetarian muskie. Jaded? Me? LOL!!!

And for the best example......Looky. looky, who got re-elected to Ward 8 as a Councilman in Washington, DC, Why it's our very own "Mayor for Life", crack smokin', prostitute patronizing, convicted felon.......Marion Barry. Remeber the movie.....Barry smokin' crack in the hotel room with a hoe???BWHAAAAAAAAA!!!! You just gotta laugh. His ex-wife even voted for him.


I don't care WHO you are,....THAT's funny right there!!

Marion Barry,.......ahahahahahhahahaha.....I forgot all about him,..and he got re-elected again??? UN-believable!! Hey Tox,..maybe he's changed his ways now...maybe he's a reformed,..kinder, gentler Uncle Crackhead. Or maybe the FBI just "framed him" and the folks in DC know it!! LMAO!!

Who you kiddin' anyway....we all know YOU voted for Uncle Cracker too....ahahaa
I wasn't going to say anything about Marion Barry because it was making me sick...D.C.'s voting base = Kerry 90% and Bush 9%. That should tell you a lot right there.

Where is Michael Moore and his ilk this morning?

I read somewhere (can't remember exactly) but his Farenhiet 9/11 movie and it's "anti-Bush" message was backfiring bigtime. Over half of the people that were polled who saw it, (No,...I didn't see it,..nor will I put ANY $$ in his pockets) actually came out of the movie and felt compelled to vote FOR Bush and suppported him even more....hhhmmmm

I bet Moore wasn't expecting that to happen!!..LOL

Don't get me started on DC government.....They can't run their schools (Charter schools putting kids in closets and leaving special ed kids on busses overnight), they can't police their streets (you've got 12 & 13 year olds stealing cars and running down people), murder capitol of the world, crack kastles all over the place, downtown turns into a freakin war zone after dark, you've got cops (off duty of course, they don't want to lose their day jobs) escorting columbian drug dealers through town. How much you wanna bet the the taxpayer (Through the annual government payment that the district gets) will be paying for the DC EXPOS to play ball here. The real kicker......You know what it says on DC license plates "Taxation Without Representation" ......You know that every year they try to pass a bill that would tax workers that come in from outside the District......Hello numbnuts....isn't that taxation without representation?!?!?!?!? And then they re-elect Barry, ya just gotta shake yer head and laugh.

One note, I'm not "gloating" or "cheerleading" I am happy the candidate won that best reflects my positions on family values, security, the economy, protecting the American people, healthcare, and on, and on. I don't blindly vote any party. Your post just reeks of sour grapes and the fact that you can sit back and be a Monday Morning Armchair President doesn't mean you are right. We will never know how bad Kerry would have messed up the Presidency, thank God and the American voter. Kerry was the worst example of a national leader I have ever seen. His actions post VietNam were nothing less than traitorous and caused untold pain and suffering to POW's still held. He messed up and he is paying the price. He doesn't have the moral Kahones to run this nation as as for a close election, I have to disagree...Bush won the popular vote with more votes than any candidate has ever recieved in the HISTORY of this great country. Bush will win the required Electorial votes also. Not close in my mind.

We can agree to get on with the business of running the best country in the world and put partisan politics away for another 4 years as far as a Presidential race. If you ask him real nice, you might even get Marion Barry to run in 08!!

TOXIC....put a fork in me, I'm done, Peace Out!!
Just you wait.......Hillary in '08 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Bill, I forgot he would get MD as well. He could lead the masses, and would be a Senator right now if it was not for his health.

I think a CA or NY Republican is a sure thing in 2008.
Heck with it. I will run in 08. Opening day of fishing(each species) will be national holidays.
Rich, you got my vote. You can change the tax code so fishing equipment, boats, etc. can be itemized deductions :)
I would also stock the reflecting pool on the mall...It would have to be dug out a little deeper though and some structure added....
Wow, lotta stuff flying around here, bottom line is it looks like he's got 4 more years,and we'll move on from here and hopefully in 4 years I'll have changed my opinion of W. To be honest I was against W the first time around, AND this time too, I'm not spewing sour grapes here, but I do believe we are worse off than we were 4 years ago. Examples-

Turning a surplus into a record deficit.

Whatever happened to that medicare reform?

Oh, and Mac, as near as I can tell, no matter who gets elected the stock market rises for a couple months, (heard that on CNBC Tuesday.

Anyway, having W in charge, along with Cheyney scares the heck outta me. If our ONLY problem was Osama, maybe I'd feel different, oh wait, he's still at large, looking fit as ever and thumbing his nose at us. Oh, and as far as Bush's HUGE win? He got what, about 59 million votes? Impressive for sure, but guess what, almost 56 MILLION people voted AGAINST him! Not what I'd call a landslide or ringing endorsement. Anyway, He's gonna be our prez 4 more years, so this democrat will support him in difficult times if they come, and disagree with some things, but when it's all said and done, I wouldn't trade my home country for nuthin! One final jab, a quote from W "I know war is hell, I've seen it on tv!" (Chicago Sun Times). peace out, egMike
I have kept quiet on this issue. But, what the heck.

I am glad that he was re-elected. Each candidate can be bashed from any number of avenues. But to me the one redeming quality that matters most to me is INTEGRITY. The candidate that did win, has it and the one that lost does not.

I am grateful every day that I am alive and breathing that I live in our country. For all our problems it is the best on earth. I have been to something like 12 countries and we have it the best. (BTW the visits were usually not on vacation terms, I got to stay in the Boeing Hotel) I am always grateful when I make it back to my mother country.

Long live the United States and may God bless us all.

Semper Fi


Funny isn't it.... but that IS a "Semper Fi" issue? Had this discussion with a friend, another retired police officer, about how it is part of the "pride" and "personal honor" that is taught.

You just "are" the way you are... You are your word...

So true man, so true.... But is it acually a taught behavior or a learned behavior?

I think it is like a "contact" high !!! (LOL)... You learn to respect your fellow Marines and you want their respect... It is like "I wanna be like Mike"... You want to be what you see as the "right" way... So, it is both "taught" and "learned" as part of the system. Is the big Birthday Ball this weekend? Your last before you retire, right?