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Michael S

Well-Known Member
Jul 3, 2003
Reaction score
Is it just me or has the message board kind of slipped off the whole reason that it is here, to talk about boats, boat set-up, and helpful fishing tactics. I mean is it really important that we all give advice to Mike Snow about his small package. What does the size of Mike Snows package have to do with his fishing and boating performance. Well I guess it would help his boating proformance because he is carring less weight, but thats neither here nor there. I will say the info and the people on this board have been very helpful and I am not trying to bash anybody, I just feel lately that the topics have not really been geared toward the purpose of this board.

I've noticed it too. I guess it is a natural progression whenever a group of individuals engage in discussions that lead to - of all things - friendships.

Still, the point is well taken. I almost wonder if it wouldn't be good to have a Non-boating Discussion section where people could share jokes, stories, quandries about the size of their "package", etc. Much like the Swap and Sell Section. This would keep the Nitro/Tracker Board area reserved for issues relating to boats and motors.
Funny Jimbob, it is usualy mid-winter when the 1400 of us (especialy the northerners who can't/don't fish thru ICE) get WAY off track. One reason I think Rich Stern added the "Off Topic" category is that we CAN discuss other non-boating/fishing stuff but for folks who only want to focus on boating/fishing just don't look at those posts.

I see it as a HUGE family that sometimes get down and dirty and discuss EVERYTHING, then get back to business! LOL
Maybe you are right but just talking about boats and fishing would get very boring, very quickly. A lot of us have gotten to know each other and are interested in more than just those topics. Not being rude but if all we wanted to know was boats, motors and fishing....Then I'd just go buy a Merc shop manual, read my owners manual, and read the In-Fisherman. We are much more than that, we are an online community with all of the quirks and spats that go with it. All serious posts are answered with truthful and helpful responses. Those of us who have been here for a while, revel in the diversity that is the NTOWS and its inhabitants. I wouldn't want it any other way and that is why I reside here.

Call it the Dog Days of Summer. I would bet that once the weather gets a little cooler, and the fishing picks up, so will the chatter.

Also, the participants and their activitiy levels change, and with it, the topics/discussions that are put forward.

I do concur, that I find myself finding less topics (in general), and more on other things. Including the other things that I post.

I agree with you Toxic and I understand that the occasional BS topic is fun and enjoyable to everybody on the board. I just feel that when the way-off topic issues get 20-30 replies and real issues get 4-5 replies that the board has somewhat lost focus, or maybe it is because they are so many off-topic discussion that real topics fall in the cracks.

Just my .02
When I first discovered this board, I searched by category, and if the category or subject is not to my liking, I don't bother downloading the messages. I think the majority of the off-topic discussion is in the proper subject area... off-topic. When I am in a hurry and just need the really important information (at home), I will check only the areas I am interested work, however, I have time to browse...LOL...
Or maybe that the "average" qustion has been asked and answered a zillion times. it is much easier and satisfying to post a question and get an answer than to search the site to see if it has been asked and answered in the past. If the topic doesn't interest you, you don't have to open and read the thread, so you always have a choice to read or not to read an off-topic thread. I'm not disagreeing with you but limiting threads to more straight-line topics and answers would destroy or damage the dynamics of the site. Yeah, there are some topics that I don't like and kinda roll my eyes over but you gotta take the good with the bad.

Hey, I just discovered the Preferences button. You can have it organize all of the posts by category, then select the category you are most interested in. Pretty cool.

I agree about the whole not having to open and read the topics that I don't have interest in, but maybe an average question for you is not an average question for somebody else. So if somebody has the knowledge to help out somebody why not do it, even if the question was asked 3 months ago.
I agree.....I was trying to explain why there may only be a 4 or 5 responses to "Why my boat won't plane" as opposed to 200+ on "TOXIC is a bad kisser". Like I said, I have never seen one go unanswered, just not a lot of banter over a subject that has been covered may times before. I think you could store up some "canned" responses to a lot of questions and then just cut and paste the same answer over and over. For those of us who have been here for a while, despite the level of expertise, the question has been answered many times over. Like I said, I'm not disagreeing with you.....

ALOT of the questions posted have been answered before, in fact numerous times on some of them. Newbies should utilize the search feature.....

My .02

Mixing a little fun with our passion is not out place I think. After all, I don't know anyone who goes to work and doesn't take the time to talk "off topic". There is (I venture to say) not anywone including our President who doesn't keep their nose to the grind stone for eight hours a day.

All work and no play makes Jack and this board a dull boy.

When someone has something pertinent, and they post it, business is taken care of.

I've never been one to back away from beating a dead horse so here goes. I think I enjoy the friendship and the banter of the "Off Topic" messages as much or more than the nut & bolts stuff. As far as fishing and boating information are concerned, one can get more from some of the other message boards but you can't get the heart that this site has to offer. I for one can only read so much about prop pitch or livewell timers, but I'm still interested in how many responses "Toxic is a bad kisser" will get. I opened this site up at work one day and a co-worker who participates on other message boards was amazed at how much activity this one gets. Sure some of the topics are silly but what the heck. Isn't all of this about having fun? I don't know one of us who buys a boat with the intention of using it to feed our family. So I say don't worry about it and enjoy it and please respond to my question about my motor troubles. ;>))


That motor problem you are having was talked about 6 months ago so do a search on it and figure it out, because the guys on here that could help you would rather not answer just run of the mill questions. You will need something exotic to get there attention.
well I think its pretty clear champion. Go back and do a search on all the previous topics about glass or tin.

Hopefully that answers your question.
I'm still waiting to see WHY Tox is a bad kisser...we may never truly know. (I do, however, know that there are at least 40-some bottles of beer left on that wall...).

I can understand the position that in the midst of all the jovality, some serious posts might seem to receive less attention. I've seldom seen a serious question go unanswered, and sometimes a few responses are all that is needed to adequately address a query. Consider too, that the more active and more knowledgeable members of the board might not be so quick to respond if the board was "all work, no play". Heck, reading reports and writing responses is part of what I get PAID to do - were it not for the "fun" aspect, I doubt the more knowledgeable members would even BE here. But they are; for which I'm grateful as hell. And we've also seen the community rally when one of its members suffers a loss. That kind of solidarity doesn't exist on mere "technical" boards.
I agree that this board is a great place to find all the info you need and a great place to just shoot the ****, and I would probably not be a member either if it was all tech info and no fun, but lately it just seems to be more of a joke board than informative.
I agree that too much boatin' and fishin' talk will get a little boring.(I never thought I would say that).LOL

There have been times where I have had questions and have just searched the board to find the answers instead of posting.A lot of questions have been answered over and over again.

I personally like the board just like it is.You just never know what's going to happen next.

The Mike Snow with the Viagra stuck in his throat was CLASSIC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Just my $.02

I'll stand arm-in-arm and complain with you about lack of focus on certain days. On other days, it's just so blamed slow that you have to add something to the mix.

And I never said anything about my package size, merely ribbing a few others in asking if they'd had any success. As my friend at work says..."it may be short, but it sure is skinny". :)


I also feel the need to say something on this one. I come to this board for the comraderie and the friendship, in addition to the tech questions. I do not have much of a sense of humor and I revel in some of the others sense of humor!!!

I am jsut glad that others have allowed me and all my quirks into their house (even if only by computer, other then Tox and KB)and I can consider them friends. Maybe just electronic friends, but friends none the less.

Well, as usual, I have rambled and not said too awful much. But I did not mumble when I said it at least!!!

Semper Diverserity

If you think this group wanders too far OT, check out some of the boating newsgroups.
Jimbob, even though some of us have responded defending our little boy's club (Teri's a boy, she just doesn't know it yet).... let me openly admit that you're right on target. Yes, we stray... and I probably more than I should. Don't ever forget that if you have a legitimate question, it WILL be read and if we have an answer, we'll post it.
I completely agree with Harpo! This is a fun AND informative site. So, be informed and have fun!!

I personally would NEVER write anything that was off-topic..........
For what it's worth, some points from your friendly, neighborhood webmaster:

As long as it doesn't interfere with our ability to answer boating and fishing questions, off-topic posting is fine. Use the Off-Topic category so people who don't want off-topic stuff can avoid it.

Use the Preferences features to make the board more to your liking. Using the category setting changes the feel of the board dramatically. The board becomes much less like a conversation, and more informational.

Be cautious with the off-color stuff. This is a family oriented site. mikesnow, your "adult" post today was borderline. I hate censorship, so you will rarely see me intervene, however, experience in running these types of sites has taught me that such topics tend to meander down the wrong roads, and often requires action on my part sooner or later.

This site attracts people young and old, male and female, from broad slices of geography and demographics. A high standard of decorum is required to make everyone feel welcome.

Yeah... that's right. Tell 'em Rich. Well said.

We here at NTOWS got "COUTH", 'cause we possess a high degree of sophistication. Everyone of us.

ROTHFLMAO!!!! (thanks TrepMan)
Now see...these are the kind of posts I'm talkin' about!!! :)

I'm with Rich... we do have to watch ourselves. As far as info...come guys ...lightin' up! It's a little slow here lately...

It's not the juicy stuff for the boat or the face to face for decorum...I think the curtains should be changed and the rug shampooed. Other than that, the "decorum" is just fine!!

I thought it was borderline too until I saw ads on TV about it. Not to mention, I don't think I'm the only one getting spammed with messages about it... unless Teri really did sign me up for all that crap :)

You have to realize that this board is about 4 years old and there are many of us who have been around since the beginning. This has become more than just a message board for technical questions to many of us. It's more like sitting around a camp fire and having a few beers with old friends.

I read all the posts no matter what the topic. If someone has a question or problem and I feel it has already been answered, why should I add to it?

If you and a bunch of friends were hanging around on a street corner talking and having a great time and some stranger came up and asked "Were is a good restaraunt in town?", You would give a few honest suggestions and off they would go. It wouldn't require 20 guys chiming in.

I noticed your first post was in July of this year. If you think we are getting "off topic" now, then you'll never survive the winter here on NTOWS. Wait until the water gets hard and cabin fever sets in....LOL


And....**BING!!!**...Marke gets THE AWARD for saying it first!!

Cabin Fever <i><b>(shhhuuuudddddderrrrr)</i></b>
Ok guys I have no problem with the great banter that goes on the board, and I do feel that this is one of the best boards arounds hands down. I think its a great place to get info on any and all subjects. I just felt that in the last week or so the all the posts of old e-mails jokes and things like that where over taking the board. Sorry if I offened anybody with my statement I would not want this board to be all tech all the time.
Finally he says "Uncle!!" LOL Took long enough!! But like I said JB you are right to a point.... and we do a pretty good job of self-policing when necessary.

Doh!!!.....I thought he had a trim issue!! I thought he said his message board was "porposing" LOL...J/K!!!!!

No, no, NO!!

It's not Chime walkin'...

(I'm gettin' mah po-eh-tree pen ready for Cavin Feber season!)
And women get blamed for having petty fights??????????
Teri, we werent' fighting. JB had an issue and we all pumbled him into submission....LOL
Yeah Teri if you can't beat'em then you might as well join them. I guess we all feel the need to help out mikesnow with his poor bedroom proformance.
Looking back it is all the off topic posts that make this board what it is.

Guys getting new boats.

People getting new houses.

New kids/grandkids.

Losing loved ones.

Having loved ones come back.

Gaining jobs.

Losing jobs.

And all the little squabbles in between.

The best part is that everybody rallys around with thoughts and prayers for the bad,and atta boy's for the good.

Coming on here is like sitting on the deck,drinking beer and shooting the bull with other fishing nuts.

We put the "FUN" in "DISFUNCTIONAL".

<i>We put the "FUN" in "DISFUNCTIONAL".</i>


ROTFLMPCBJNO!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That's a <b>great</b> line!!

I do NOT have poor bedroom performance. My wife tells me I sleep more than anyone she knows.
Tox... you PROMISED not to report on my table manners.... liar...liar...pants on fire!!!!

Pay no attention to the tentacles fallig out from under my hat.... And, my mother was NOT from Meepzorp... she's from Alterian!!!!
"Mos Isle space port. You will never find a more retchid hive of scum and villanry"

-Obiwan Kenobe
Let's see.....

If my memory serves me correctly.....

On our first date.....

My ex-wife and I went to see Star Wars.....

That wa-a-as-s-s-s-s.....


Was Marke even born then?
I just so happened to be born in 1972. I remember owning all of the toys before the movie even came out. I can remember seeing Star Wars at the drive-in from the back seat of my mom & dads Ford Pinto....LOL


I had a 1973 Pinto! My first new car. Dark green with a tan interior. Had every option available except a sun roof or automatic. I think it listed for about $2,700 and I paid about $2,400!