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Greg Meyer

Well-Known Member
Sep 27, 2001
Reaction score
Hey guys...there is a proposed Group Buy for A Tourney Shirt... Consider signing up...
If we get enough I think I can get us a "Sponsor". The folks that do our shirts here says she'd be interested. We could do patches as Nitro/Tracker and names.
Any word as to whether or not Mac can do a logo on the back for us?
No offense to you glass guys, but I would like to see Tracker mentioned somewhere.

Rich D
I spoke to the "embroidery lady"... She can do anything we want. She thinks we ought to agree on something like the Tracker Marine shirt available on their site and go from there... Rich... How about it... Could we use the "name" and get you to approve some graphics fo the back? Some graphics... How about me with a dead deer stuck in my foot... Toxic with his undies on fire... I know, Neeley with his black fly infestation.... Naw probably too "graphic"... Maybe a stylized fish...bass and walleye... bass or walleye... think about it and I'll keep working. Rich you have my e-mail.
Oh, geeeeeeeeeeeze..... there's no getting away from this black fly thing!

Um Greg, she'll do ANYTING we want. Didn't I hear a line like that once in a war movie? Be careful with this crowd, especially this week! LOL
Guys, I'll give my stamp of approval based on these things:

1) Me having final approval of the design.

2) Hearing details about who is going to be handling the production, inventory, order process, and how payment is going to be handled.

3) Gettign Tracker's OK. The Tracker and Nitro brand names belong to them and they have a right to control how the names are used, particularly on merchandise.

4) A commission paid to the web site for each sale. Money will go into a fund that will be used for support of future rallys. I've been kicking in my own money for prizes/trophies, and if there are going to be merchandise sales associated with the site, I'd like to see some "profit" go to the rallies for these expenditures.

Glass guys, huh... I thought us glass guys were the only ones who needed tournament shirts anyway ;-) -- Aren't the aluminum boats for family fishing outings and Canadian rentals? $1 says I just started a LONG thread somewhere on this site...

I'm in as long as Rich gets some money for tourneys or this website.

I agree with Rich's conditions.

And Dave, if the thread should appear, I would be happy to expand upon my theory that those sparkly boats are merely a Freudian overcompensation for other, shall we say, short-comings. LOL Again, no offense to you glass guys.

I would be afraid to fish out of a boat so "purty".

Rich D
Rich has all priorities listed in the right order. Agreed ! I'll take a half dozen to start but I would really like to see some of Mac's excellent work on the shirt.
David Munaretto made a good point. I see little need for the Tin Tracker owners to have a tourny shirt that says Nitro. Scratch my name off the "tourny shirt" list.

Da Bear...

Hopefully, arrangements will include a choice of a Tracker or Nitro Shirt... I fish a Tracker and plenty of glitter glass boys and girls wish for my livewell contents... It ain't the boat that fishes...
Should he jump in, how are we going to compensate Mac?

I don't see why the shirts can be equally dedicated to Nitros and Trackers..... Sounds like squabbling over who gets their name listed first in the movie credits!
Don't forget that the site can also be accessed through
Howdy all,...just got home from a weekend upnorth,,...boatless at the in-laws!! ('nuff said about that!!)..LOL...naw...actually, I had a GREAT time...a LITTLE R&R THAT WAS WAAAYY OVER DUE!! As far as these shirts go,..I don't have a problem helping with a logo or designs or something, but my time right now is booked SOLID until late fall or winter!! I have to take care of prior commitments and current deadlines that take priority...sorry guys,...gota take care o'binness first!! THEN, I'll have time to do this project......if everyone wants a shirt NOW, then I'm in on whatever we decide to do.

I totally agree with Rich's reqmnt's and I'm willing to donate my time and effort, but it's gota be when I have some to donate!..LOL. Can't do it on my end until oct/nov. time frame....august and Sept I'm booked solid!!


Scott,...I got your email....but I was out of town and didn't check my mail until just now!! Holler back if you still want to discuss that 94' 2000. Thanks

Mac -

I took a look a the boat on Saturday. See my post from Saturday evening. Thumper has a VERY nice boat for sale! I hope it goes to someone here.....

Now, if you'd quit fussin' 'round this board, you'd have more time to get your drawin's done!


Since I'm the one currently talking to a "shirt lady" for embroidery, etc... I can assure you that Oct/Nov for a design is fine. Couldn't get anything from them until after October anyway... I think Rich wants to approve the logo design for the shirts so just stay in touch with him on some concepts...whatever he approves works for me (and I am sure everybody that we're not using a caricature of Neeley covered with black flies and all swollen in his "area"...) I kinda would like something with a "fish" (bass and/or walleye) and it would be "way cool" if the design had your signature embroidered into it... I'm thinkin' that this could be something that would be permanently available here through Rich (and maybe a hat also (same design...just smaller)... Any arrangements for free or not should be discussed between you and Rich... I'm just an idea man and a go between for now... If we have a 2003 Rally it would great to have our shirts then...Can't you see them fish tremblin' in their fins seeing all those shirts!
Cool,.....I'll keep in touch with rich and we'll get it done. I think once we have a design digitized and ready for embroidery, we should make individual "disks" available for purchase so we can have them added to our existing clothing via local embroidery shops.......I don'r have a problem getting a shirt form one place as a start,...but I'm not going to mail off a bunch of shirts to have them done, when i can get them done 3 miles from my house if i have the design on disk! It's turn around time I'm concerned about,..especially in the winter and spring when i'm traveling all the time and i need my shirts!! Just a thought,.....

Gang - I'm in, and ditto on the Tracker AND letting those Glass Nitro guys in too!!
No problem whatsoever with Rich's request, or the timeframe.

However, let's stick with a bass. We all got them in the water. No walleye's (for the most part), allowed south of the Mason Dixon line!

I know you live in a large sterile plastic bubble...LOL BUT, there are possibly, just remotely possibly, some Nitro/Tracker owners who have accidentally caught (a hard to catch) toothy little fishy called a walleye. In fact, I even know of some guys who have done that on purpose! Now they are required to wear clothing (except when fishing clothing optional tournaments in the south of France).... So, it is not inconceiveable that these few dedicated fishermen might wish to have a representation of a walleye... And, I believe there are probably millions of walleye south of the M-D line...just nobody sharp enough to catch them...LOL
"Glass guys, huh... I thought us glass guys were the only ones who needed tournament shirts anyway ;-) -- Aren't the aluminum boats for family fishing outings and Canadian rentals?"

Them's fightin' words, Dave!!!!!!!

Okay, so I don't fish tournaments (yet). But I do take issue with your idea that aluminum boats are for family fishing outings and Canadian rentals. My 150 says "Nitro Series" on the cowling, but the side of my boat says "TOURNAMENT" and "TRACKER"! Of course, it's kinda hard to read when its going past you at 60!

I'd consider jumping in, but I'd like to see the design before making a decision.

The back of the shirt is gonna be a young Neeley with his drawerss down around his ankles (back side view) covered with black flies!!!
Oh, geeeeeeeeeeeze..... we're back to that black fly thing!


So, I guess we've become just another "fly fishing" organization?

What will this do to our understanding of catch-n-release?
any more mentions of Neeley's arss and black flies and we'll have PETA all over us for abusing those dayum flies!!

I think my imagination is going nuts anyway!! I can't get this visual out of my head,.....his Hiney is just a Giant Venus Fly Trap!!!....The "Original Little Shop of Horrors!!"

Hey Will and Tommy Lee,...if you're reading this, Neeley for a possible cameo appearance in MIB III....we want 10% of the GROSS!!!


(his agent)
No Mac...

I wanna be your agent...we do shirt backs, t-shirts, yard ornaments...Catchy name..."Li'l Kenny's Hinny"...I can see it now,,,plush mugs...
"Feed me Seymour" Ha!!!!! Now Neeley has a talking, black fly bit arss!!!! he didn't say he was devouring the poor lil bugs, and that way? Oh man! I'm scarred for life. I'll never be able to look at a black fly without wetting myself again! Oh the horror.
I don't wanna play with you guys anymore....I'm taking my ball and bat and going home.
If the design does not include black flies, I'm in.

Special Message to Mac....

Do two of a young Neeleys backside covered with Black flies for all of us except T_Mann...he'd like the second design...Neeleys backside without flies... So, then I guess it's settled...two ways to order...with or without flies.
Ya know Mr. Mann...

I thought you might say that!!!!!
Hey Mac....

You know our plan do do L'il Kenny's Hinnys...Well I remember being in Springfield Illinois as a child and wanting to buy an imitation bronze (bronze paint over plaster of Paris) "bust" of Mr. Lincoln... Well, I'm thinkin along with the t-shirts and stuff of our Prez...We'd do okay selling "L'il Kenny's Bronze Butts"...

Can't say I'd wanna watch him model for ya...but oh man the profit from sellin this Presidential Memorabilia is gonna be BIG!
Hey Mac...we could combine with the old "feed off my energy" design!!!
Don't forget "Kenny's Hinny Beer" and "Kenny's Hinny Beer Beer Nuts"!

Or, uncoated, they could be "Kenny's Hinny Beer Bare Nuts"!
"Kenny's Hinny's Fly spray"...I'll TOXIC do the R&D on that one...
Or..... The non-alcoholic versions could be.....

"Kenny's Hinny Near-Beer" and "Kenny's Hinny Near-Beer No-Nuts"!
Oh your flirtin with death there Scott! Careful now, Neeley has them flies trained to attack, and they have a strike radius of 1400 miles, so you're fair game! LOL Course, you could use for some of you to swell! LOL Got your back prez, but not your backside! LOL
Well, much as I like both Adam Murray and Ken Neeley,..if I told them once I'll tell them again, pens don't touch dey arss's in real life OR on paper!! No can Doo-doo man!! LOL


Ken,..that "feed off my energy" line is sacred, shouldn't be thrown into or dragged through this vile volley in any context!! That's reserved for Boat Show pep talks,....just like "AMEN" after a prayer!!..LOL

You're right...forgive me.

You busy this afternoon?

Call me...
You will be lucky to ever find out.....he did paraphrase it here once I think.

"Feed Off My Energy" is a mantra I came up with for boat show is our philosophy and way of life during the 2 months of our keeps us pumped up and ready to sell hundreds of boats during the long, hard days of the shows. It is an original, and therefore subject to all copyright laws including death if it is used without my permission!!!

It goes like this...

"I am the man. I know what to say and when to say it. I know how to say it and who to say it to, because I am the man...FEED OFF MY ENERGY!!!"
Gawd, I'm pumped now!!......I love it when you say that!! LOL.........only thing better than reading it, seeing the fire in your eyes when you say it!!...ahahahahha

You ARE THE MAN!!!!!!!!

Now THAT is what I need!

Ken, send me your pic with that inscribed underneath!

I'll post it over my desk at work!

Right next to Mac's bubble-gum worm eatin' fish!