DON'T do this!!!

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Rob LaMoy

Well-Known Member
Mar 19, 2001
Reaction score
I did what I tell everyone not to do when I left the BFL 2 weeks ago. I had run my tank down to empty and being low on cash didn't refill it before parking it. I had INTENDED to fill it within a day or two, but never got around to it. Then I didn't get to fish last weekend so my boat sat with an empty gas tank for 2 weeks. And even in summer, we had a few cooler nights and I got some condensation in there. I had also had some ring free, then filled the tank yesterday and went to lake to fire her up. Well it did, for about 30 seconds, then smoked like crazy and stalled.

Never could get it running again. I changed my plugs (after realizing I left my plug socket at home and had to run back and get it!) but the plugs were old ones that I had just cleaned and put in the boat as spares. So I never could get it running again.

Tonight I have to put NEW plugs in it, purge the line, add, some dry gas and try to fire her up.

So DON'T leave it empty, even in summer!!!:angry:
I have never seen one in the bilge. If I do, I'm sure it is plugged.

The water seperator will be under the cowl in-line with a fuel line.
Thanks Ken. I'll check there tonight. Is it that little white, slightly opaque looking filter? I thought that was just a regular screened fuel filter. And I clean it out or do I need to replace it? I've never had this problem before. Like I said, I usually never do this and the one time I did....I got caught!

Carlos, I would guess it's lessened, but still an issue. You can get condensation inside or outside of a plastic milk jug or plastic soda bottle, but just not as much as say a tin soda can. But it is still an issue.
Rob...the water seperator looks like an oil filter for a car. It could be under the cowl or in the bilge. Pretty cheap insurance, if you don't have one. Easy to install and about $35.00.

That's what I thought. All the ones I've seen were big like an oil filter for a car or a fuel filter for a boiler. I don't have anything like that. Is it really neccessary? I've only ever had this problem once, and it was due to my own error.

I figure once I purge the system and get it running again, I should be fine and just won't ever leave it empty again.
It's not absolutely neccessary, but it's only $35.00. Pretty cheap (as far as boats go) for justincase or oppsIforgot insurance.

I found the seperator, it is under the cowling. It's not as big as I thought, that's why I missed it before. I cleaned it out, purged the line, changed my plugs and still nothing. The funny thing is that normally, when I crank the engine and it doesn't start, after a few seconds of cranking the alarm will sound constant. Now it doesn't go off at all. I'm beginning to wonder if my kill switch didn't die. I don't have time to deal with it, so I will drop it off at the shop this week.