Womens Bassmaster Tour Eliminated

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Teri C.

Well-Known Member
Apr 10, 2003
Reaction score
Just got an email that the WBT is no more. If we signed up for this year, we will get a full refund. I am pretty bummed.

Dear WBT Angler,

It is with regret that I inform you that today BASS made the decision to eliminate the Women
:eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek: That sucks!! Guess you are going to have to fish in the regular Weekend Series or another trail. What a blow to the sport in general!!

Totally sucks. I could have registered for another series back in November but now it's probably too late to be a coangler. I just spent $150 yesterday gearing up at Bass Pro. I am totally in mourning.
AH WOMAN!! that totally sucks/stinks!!! I know you were pysched to do this again this year, keep a chin up!
Dammit Teri!

Well since your all geared and red to go...kick the crap out of the locals!

Plenty around to hone your skills + it'll give you plenty of time at Dale,K&B or whatever. Lemme know cuz me and the woman and I plan on hittin' them all unless gas prices go thru the roof:wacko:

Sorry to hear but, like you said, "we all have alot to be thankful for":cool:

I just called about the Weekend Series. Tennessee has a Central division for all the lakes I fish around here. I think I am going to sign up as a coangler for at least the first one which is on the lake in my backyard, Percy Priest March 3/13.

Has anyone fished these? Is there any reason I shouldn't? One worry is that guys will NOT be happy fishing with a girl. I fished in a club once and they were quite rude. Made it no fun and I finish out the year after my guy partner quit fishing them.
Man,..when will it END??? Just goes to show you,..this economy is NOT getting any better no matter what the media says. :angry: I wouldn't be the least bit surprised if the FLW is significantly smaller this year too....sponsors are bailing right and left there too. The tournament industry will not survive another 2-3 years if they keep trying to sell $60,000 bass boats!:wacko:

Teri,...pick and choose your home water weekend tournaments based on your own pre-fishing success. If you find fish,..enter with your own boat........if you don't find'em...don't enter unless you just feel like tournament fishing. No harm done...and you'll be fishing with confidence if you use your own boat going after fish you found.
My boat is probably too small for these tournaments. I really don't know. 18ft w/115. All the lakes I fish with it except KY Lake. It's probably too small for that.

I would get spanked as a boater I think. I just really enjoyed competing and I think I would miss it. Why would being a coangler be different for Weekend Series vs WBT? I am guessing the guys might be jerks about fishing with a girl. Don't know.
Boats don't catch fish,.....just go pre-fish..if you're on'em,..enter the morning of!!
Teri I fished with a lady once in a pretty large tourney. She was great. It was quite funny to start the day. She sat down, looked at me and said; "I know what you're thinking! But if you have to pee I won't look if you don't!" From that point on all else was a joy.

Bummer. Sorry to hear this Teri. It is unfortunate that BASS is not supporting this.
Teri,Couple of my friends fish the WBT and I haven't talked to them yet but I'm sure they're bumbed.I have fished with these ladies a few times and have gotten a pretty good spanking.If I were you I would not be the least bit afraid to do the weekend series.Even the local stuff like Mac says.Your boat is plenty big for that.Just get out and do it.Good Luck,Rich
I don't understand.....Why is your boat too small? Prefish is the key like Mac says, if you find them on your own, you don't have to beat anyone to a community hole so boat size is not a factor. You need to be more worried about filling the livewells!!

Oh.....I got spanked in my 929 by 2 guys in a Carolina Skiff with a 40 horse hand steer.


Try this new circuit, made for boats less than 150hp:


Nothing wrong with fishing out of a 18 foot boat with a 115. I fished out of a 17 foot boat with a 120 for 3 years, and after that, I fished with an 18 foot boat with a 150 up until 2005. I fished Red Man, BFL's, and BASS Region 7 tournaments. Anyone that complains about the size of your boat - tell them to show up with one of their own and fish as a boater next time.

All the best,


A disapointing way to start 2010 Teri. I hope you can compete somewhere. Good luck.

.....another sad day for bass fishing on a competitive level..........similiar to the WBA...the womens tour needs a HEAVY ..commited sponsor....unforutnately,,,even commited sponsors of BAss AND FLW are backing out.............................:angry:
Teri - I am sorry to hear this. Y'all deserve much better.

Remember, things happen for a reason. Something good will come out of it for you. I'm sure! ;) :D
Sorry to hear the news. There are still some of us nice guys out there that dont mind a woman partner one bit. I am not a big tourny fisherman, but all the local ones my wife is always my partner. Join the weekend and local stuff and keep your head up.

Teri,Fish aganst the men,you might be shocked..There tour Is In trouble and they want all the anglers they can get..My Ranger dealer was the second one ever open and they went out of business after all these years..They sponsered alot of anglers and Gary That owns Solar Bats, they Couldn't make It In this economy..It goes to show you that times have changed..You have an advantage fishing close to home and It would be fun..Go for It...:):):)

That is bigtime stinko.....fish against the boys you can probably beat the pants off them! I know that many of the co-anglers we have in the FLW can't even fish (not all of them but some) they just come to get to fish with the anglers and learn you could clean up the money:D.

The Dragon
fish against the boys you can probably beat the pants off them

There ya go Teri:lol:
I just wanted to say I concur with the above responses. Keep fishing! You don't need a specifically oriented tourney to shine in. Get out there and slap the boys around in any T that strikes your fancy! I started cashing bass T checks in an old '76 stick steer 16' Ozark Mon Ark w/ a 75HP Merc. Yep, there were Storm and Gamblers, yada, yada... in those T's, but seems the fish didn't G-A-S! :lol: You ever come to our pond, I'd gladly take you as a co-angler. Hell, you can drive and I'll be your co!! :D

Just keep at it. You got skills!! :)
I've been wondering about tournament fishing quite a bit lately. The number of clubs around here are down. I talked to a long time club fisherman pal of mine and he said that it's very difficult to get young anglers involved in tournament fishing. The older guys are quiting or dying out. The PWT went last year and I really enjoyed following it. But no more.

Used to be you had two rods and a jon boat and you could compete with anyone. Now seventy mph boats, high tech depthfinders and gear makes a newby wonder if he has to drop a bundle to get started even at the club level.

Things rise and fall I guess lets just hope for the best.


Sorry to hear that Teri, that really sux. I'm really sorry to hear about that, was really looking forward to your updates from the tournaments. But hey, maybe one door closing could be another door opening.
While I certainly look at this and will mourn the loss of the trail, the reality is that a 'product' has to have holding power and pay the way at some point. Can't fault BASS/ESPN for making that type of decision, but certainly understand the impact to the anglers. I have a friend in NC that fished it from the inception (even though she never was able to reap many rewards - other than personal), and I'm sure she is bummed also.

Change happens, no matter what. Regroup, reload and take another shot.
