Wishin' I was fishin'

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Teri C.

Well-Known Member
Apr 10, 2003
Reaction score
Seems like this summer is passing me by without having much time to fish.

Last fall I bought that cabin thinking I would be fishing every weekend. Feels like all I do is go down there and work (mowing grass, trimming trees, building a deck) or I am stuck entertaining people. I wanted to go this weekend but instead I am staying in town to have the kid I volunteer for spend the weekend with me for his birthday next week. (Can't take him to the cabin.)

The next weekend I am going down to finish the deck and the next weekend I am hosting a party down there and no one in that group likes to fish. Every weekend thru mid September is booked with guests or I am out of town. I am going to Vegas to participate in the Hilton's Fantasy Football league. Top prize is $200,000 so that's kind of cool.

I know I am whining but I just wish I could fish more but I feel obligated to do all these others things. Its my fault but it still bugs me. Thought maybe some of you could relate.
Teri - As long as the roof doesn't leak, worry about the cabin improvements in the winter! Get some highschool kid to mow the lawn/trim the trees!!

Hey when are you in Vegas? I'll be there Sept 5 - 7th!! My Birthday is the 7th, Mom is taking me as a present!!

Hey ya Teri!

Yep yep, I feel your pain. I am gone from home for most of this month. So, I took leave in June and put off all my chores (redoign the basement, built in bookcase in the basement, garage work etc) so that I was able to do nothing but FISH!! Had to get my fishing fix in. I think I am borderline type A and it was hard to just let the chores sit until the time I was not fishing.

So, I am in the same boat as you are HAHAHAHAH Self inflicted non fishing......

Teri, I know how you feel, there is always something to do other than fishing. I make it a point to do something just for me, like go fishing every weekend even if it's from 5:00AM - 8:00AM. It's enough time to satisfy my need to go fishing and relaxes me enough to get through the upcoming week at work. Everything is a cpompromise and I have no problem with losing a little sleep, besides 4-6 hrs. is all i need to function. I hope you get out on the water and good luck in Vegas.
Looks like I am just going to miss you there. I will be in Vegas Sep 9-12. My bday is the 8th and my best friends bday is the 11th. We are entering the draft as a team. Pretty steep entry fee but hopefully it will pay off.

I do plan on finally having the nerve to enter a Texas Hold Em tournament.
The one problem I do have is not having alot of people to choose from to go fishing. Most of the people I know do not care for fishing. I would get up tomorrow at 5am and fish before I pick up Ryan but I don't have anyone to go with. I guess I don't feel comfortable enough to launch the Banana Boat by myself. I also fear I will do something stupid while fishing and get hurt so I don't want to go by myself.

Boy am I am whining today or what.....and guys I know what you're thinking and it's not PMS. ha!

I just feel the need to go fishing!!!!
My dad had the same complaints until he retired. We used to go up and spend one day on the weekend doing chores, then trying to fish the 2nd, but you only get a couple hours in because you have to clean the place up and hit the road. Not too mention the entertaining. There were some folks who treated it like a free hotel, but that ended quick! He learned he had to start saying no to people.

Now he stays up extra days, so I still do the chores on the weekend and only have half a day to fish, but he is able to spend more time on the water! I don't mind, the old man deserves it.

It will get better! Hang in there!

Rich D

Ahh Teri - We're going to miss each other by a few days!!! I'd have love to see you again and you'd get a hoot out of my mom!!

Enjoy and good luck!