Winter is coming

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Teri C.

Well-Known Member
Apr 10, 2003
Reaction score
My boat will be stored in my garage this winter. In the past, I have not paid to have my boat winterized. Besides fuel stabilizer and running the gas out of the engine on my last run, what else do I need to do? I think they charge $50 to winterize. Is it worth it?

After I run the engine dry of fuel and stabilize the remaining gas. I fog the engine (carbureator engine) and change the lower unit oil (90wt marine gearcase oil) then drain all systems that carry water, lower the lower unit let it drain and shoot the trailer hubs full of grease. I also vacume and check for all the left over food items that attract mice. Check my power T&T resevior. Remove my batteries, and electronics(store inside as freezing temps may hurt the pixels) check tire pressures

Fog it, change your lower unit lube, top off the tank, charge and unhook the batteries. Also make sure your tire pressure is good.
Winter is not coming.

I repeat:

Winter is not coming.

$50 if they include lowerunit,bearings,stabil and fogging is more than worth it in my opinion.

However, if you intend to run atleast once a month (even if just with muffs in the driveway for 10 minutes) then fogging probably isn't needed. Stabil is a personal choice in that situation... Lov ethe new Stabil commercial with the ranger boat!
With the exception of gas stabilizer just start the thing every month and let it warm up with muffs. Save you $50 dollars.

Option 2 move to a warmer climate where you can fish all year.
So, you start your boat out of the water? I always thought that was a really bad thing to do.
Teri, If your not going to use the boat for an extended period get it done right. These outboards are just too expensive to take any chances. I also wouldnt run the motor out of gas, it will fill the float bowls full of oil and make it difficult to start next year. your much better off with just the Stabil in it.

I would have the motor fogged and lower unit oil changed and the trailer bearings serviced. Also spray anything that may rust with some wd40 so it wont rust over the winter.

also unhook your straps, bow and stern so you dont put a hook in your hull.
I do what Jim does and also disconnect the water line to the water pressure gauge so it is all drained. Then I take some plastic butter dish lids and write on them:

"Winch strap is loose"

"H2O line is disconnected"

"Boat buckles are disconnected"

I punch a hole in the lids and tie-wrap them to the steering wheel. That way if I have an "over 40" moment next spring, I'll have a reminder!

Almost forgot, winter is almost here. It was 29 degrees this morning.

Bob G.
I've got one for y'all. What if you keep your boat in not less than 45 degrees through the winter? Do you still need to fog?
I almost forgot to ask. Do the moths die after you cut their thingy's off?
Fogging is recommended regardless of the temperature if your motor is inactive for a long period of time. If you use it every now and again during winter, at least use fuel stabilizer.

Bob G.
The "drain everything" (of water) is very important advice. Now, to start a real "donneybrook"; I prefer Seafoam to Stabil.

I'm going to start a thread about that and why.

Your oil injection unit will continue to pump and load the chamber below the piston with oil causing hard starting in the Spring and possible damage to the motor.

Depending where you store it,ie: outside under a tarp, take one tire off, makes it harder to steal it when your gone to Florida for vacation....
Yeah, I'm with ME on this one. DON'T run it out of gas, newer outboards will freak on that one. Here's what I do, and have never had a problem.

Add Stabil to tank and top off with 89 octane.

Put in the muffs and run for about 15 minutes so I'm sure the treated gas has made it's way all the way through the system and into the motor and carbs.

If you can, run RV antifreeze through the muffs until pink starts whizzing out your exhaust, then shut it down.

Open all your compartments to dry well

Get winterizing foam from the marina, and foam each cylinder and into the carbs if they're not sealed. (Manuals also recommend removing the spark wires from the plugs....don't know why, I never did it and had no problems...but manuals recommend it.)

Change lower unit lube, then tilt motor all the way down to drain any remaining anti-freeze out.

Spray motor down (cowling removed) with high grade silicone electronic spray

Repack bearings, check tire pressure, srpay WD-40 into trailer frame, tongue, and wiring harness.

Cover boat and wait until spring.
Each carb has a drain in the bottom of the bowl. I run Stabil in the gas then I open the drains and drain the gas out prior to fogging. BTW winter isn't for a long time yet. Plenty of fishing time left. You just have to dress for it.

I'm with Simnitro-


winter is not here

winter is not here

winter is not here

Now that that is out of the way, you should be able to run it fine everymonth if you put stabilizer in the gas. If it will be longer than that, then fog the motor and spray it with a protectant....etc etc etc....

30 degrees and snow showers here. It was in the 20's Sunday morning with puddles freezing. Winter IS here in the north folks! I hate saying it, but it's true. Let the annual cabin fever anxiety begin!
ok, who's been doing the snow dance???

Trep? You at it again?
Winter?? Whats that?? It was 97 here yesterday... Supposed to cool off to 94 today... Anyway, the wife was extended at her work site so I packed up the Boy and some Fishing gear and the Bantam (Left my 884) and headed south for the "Winter".. Guess I wont be shoveling So. Oregon snow this year!! Well, need to go to the store and get plenty of Sun block..

See ya on the water..


<>< <>< <>< <><
ok, Rob... just relax.... no challenges this year... PLEASE!
Guys, you are fogging the motor without it running? every can of storage fogging oil i have ever seen says to warm the motor and run it into the carbs with the motor running.
Jim B. you're right, I drain the bowls after fogging.
