Wind and snow...

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Bob G.

Well-Known Member
May 18, 2000
Reaction score
Did everyone survive the big winds last night?? It is still windy here, but not as bad as last night and should die down later today. Got enough snow to cover the ground. Stowe and Jay Peak got 16 to 18 inches and a lot of people lost their power. Lucky for us, the power and cable modem signal stayed on! News reported 75mph winds somewhere in NY!!

Buck season starts tomorrow in VT and I'm gonna try to get my 11 year old son in position to get his first deer. Last weekend was Youth Hunting for deer and we only saw 1 deer tail while hunting. Saw a lot in the fields at dusk the night before. Go figure..

Good luck to everyone hunting this weekend. And good luck to those fishing if you don't have winter yet!

Bob G.
i am heading up to pittsburg today, i got word back from the camp this morning, 4/6" of snow and high winds. no deer taken from from the group i am meeting up with but a guy in the next cabin took a 175lb 4 pt buck on wednesday.

good luck in VT.
Bob, your summers are very short. I don't think I could live there. Happy Hunting! I hope Bambi stays away from you guys and whizzes on your tree stands!
Snow!!! please dont say that. Im not that far away and i will be fishing on Sat. Yes it will be 40 deg out and the water is cold but the fish will still bite.
We had the high winds Wednesday. It usually takes about a day to get from MI to New England. We had lots of power outages here too.

My buddies kid got his first buck in Fairlee VT during youth weekend. It was a 7 point that dressed out around 140 lbs. It's his second deer so far this season. He got a doe in NH during NH's youth weekend. He's 13 and has shot 4 deer in his life so far. I'm 31 and am still looking for my first....LOL

Oh, well. The wind is passed us so I'm going to bundle up and hit St. Clair tomorrow. 35 Degrees at 9am.....BBBBRRRRR!!
Yea It sure is cold it was 69 today I'm sur gonna hate next month I'll have to put my long pant back on for a month or two clarksville arkanasa we just fish all year round (been to pa and it will be cold till may sometimes june bundle up I'll be fishin for ya)lol

I didn't know that you didn't bag a deer yet. Better get with the program! We only saw 1 tail during Youth Weekend last week, so my 11 year old is still looking for his first one too. Buck season started yesterday and it was wicked freezing!! 20 degrees and the wind howled all day. It felt like 0. Steven and I saw one tail. Today was 20 and no wind!! Felt like summer when the sun came up! Saw 5 does, no antlers. Got a good luck at them today as they milled around us for awhile.

Teri, summer is short here. That's why I fish like crazy for 4 months. And bambi can hide all he wants! He has two choices in VT. Freeze in the winter, or freeze in my freezer! And no whizzing by my tree!!

Bob G.