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Mike Zechman

Well-Known Member
Nov 21, 2005
Reaction score
This is a good one, so I got to order my new boat, and picked the colors Blue Fox full metal flake with silver Nitro strype, grey carpet, blue and grey seats. So I get a call from Bowers and they tell me they don't recommend full flake boats cuz they're hot, so i should get white instead????? I told him I don't think so pal, my Dads white Nitro seats get just as hot as my seats in the Champ and that boat is all dark grey/silver, he continued to argue with me on why I shouldn't buy the Blue fox full flake, even though I already have experience dark colors on a boat b4........anyway, I finally told him, look this is not your boat, its mine, do you want to sell me it or shall I go elsehwhere, then the convo ended and he orderd it.

Whatever people, but if you want something, do it no matter what people tell you............:blink:
If you look in my library, you'll see that I went with a mostly white boat. This is good in some ways because it doesn't fade like metalflake can if not maintained. The downside is it shows every skuff and skid mark. Just plain dirt is also a problem. The upside is that since they are so visible, I can easily clean the dirty spots. I keep my boat very clean and it might be easier to let it go if the spots weren't so easy to see. On the other hand, it is your boat. You are paying a ton of hard earned cash and should get exactly what you want.

I had a similar argument a few years ago when I bought my Jeep. I wanted half doors. I just don't like the looks of a wrangler with full doors. I knew I could buy sliders inserts for the winter months, so I wanted the half door. The salesman kept trying to pressure me to buy full doors. Convenience, you don't have to open the door to open the window all the way, your pants wont get dirty from being against the window, they are safer, etc... Finally I told him fine and started to get up. He asked if I wanted to look at the one on the lot and I said no, I was driving back to the other dealership to buy the one with half doors they had on the lot. The sales manager heard this last part, asked what he could do and I told him to either find me a salesman willing to sell me the car I wanted or to move out of the way. I got my jeep with the half doors!:D