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BJ Laster

Well-Known Member
Jul 15, 2003
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After my sophmore year i switched band, went to yearbook. This year i'm still in yearbook but i did choir. I like music and i had never done the school choir so i figured i would give it a try.

this year we go to Louisanna/new orleans on tour...


Band is going to Branson Missouri....ok..i go there a couple time a year...BUT....

They are going the same week/weekend as the BASS tournament will be on Table Rock!!!!!...

why did i switch form band to choir?

Because you didn't wanna wear those wussy marching band outfits? Good choice. Plus, lots of chicks in choir.

Speaking of chicks, when I was in HS all the guys laughed at me when I joined the Yearbook staff. What they didn't realize that the girl to guy ratio was 25:1. With me being that ONE. Came with a lot of perks (pun intended). I was the Tech Editor and the Photo Editor (can anyone say dark room alone with girls).

Don't fret the fishies, you'll have more chances in your life.

I dont know how....

If you want to hear the music i have picked out for my wedding someday, email me or i'll try to post it here.

yes the guy to girl ratio in yearbook at school is 10 to 2. one other guy and all the girls in yearbook with the exception of 2 are cheerleaders!


now that you're part of the yearbook staff, maybe you should talk them into doing a layout of student hobbies.....and of course get a pic of your boat in there. Just a thought ;)
well there is supposed to be a thing in the school newspaper about me and my fishing.

They have been picking a student for each months paper, one did ice skating, olympic hopeful, i think i'm in april..not sure tho..

and its kinda funny, that came up today, they thought about doing an "outdoor page".


also, i tried putting that music in my library but it told me that it was too large. So...if you want to hear it just email me.

BJ, both of my kids have had a ball in Band. My daughter marched in the 2000 New Years Day parade in Paris and the London New Years Day parade in 2002. They also went to competitions in Chicago and San Antonio. Andy will go to London next year and other than the local competitions I don't know which out of state competitions are sceduled. In addition I can't imagine a closer group of kids, it's almost like having 125 brothers and sisters plus there are some real hotties in the band too. And they get to go to all the football games too.

Andy is very proud to wear his marching uniform and doesn't consider himself a Wuss at all.

marching band.jpg
I loved band, we didnt have a marching band, just a pep band for athletic events and a concert band.

It was fun, i still wish i was in it...especially this year with them going to the BASS open..well they arent going..but at least they'l be right by the lake of the BASS open.

Same reason I did in school. Choir had 58 members of which there were only 3 males and I was one of them. I liked those odds! LOL

Band was 70% male.....not that there's anything wrong with that but.........LOL