Why I hate the media by Fatrap

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Well-Known Member
Aug 18, 2000
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Underwood Iowa

With Regret

Whitney Houston's death, while a sad thing, was the direct result of very unwise life choices . It dominates the news.

Charlie Sheen is 45 and his story is all over the news because he is a

substance abuser , an adulterer , sexually promiscuous and obnoxious .

Lindsay Lohan is 24 and her story is all over the news because she is a

celebrity drug addict and thief .

Something as frivolous as Kim Kardashian
I fully agree with you fatrap. I'm amazed at what our country views as important.
A-Men Fatrap!!!!! Great point, I am with you all the way!!!!!!!
How about our Prez apologizing, and blowing off the assasination of two military officers by basically saying "oh well, s**t happens"?:angry:
Well, the President needed to apologize for the Koran burning, pure and simple. Our military forces have known for years that we must be sensitive to the cultural implications of everything they do in theater. To not take measures to ensure that Korans didn't get burned is negligent and directly contributed to some pretty wild blowback. That said, the President should have taken the Afghan government and its people to task for their over the top response and senseless killing. Fatrap's original point is spot on.
Good post FR. God Bless our troops!! As far as the radicals and their intent since before the Crusades, "Mow 'em down and stack 'em high." Our service people are the celebrities in my house.
I agree that sometimes the media does not realize what's news. I always fly a flag in honor of all that have served, are now serving and all that will serve. I just don't watch the news when they show crap like that.

Barry from La. SSgt. Air Force veteran.

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