Why Couldn't They?

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Scott Hammer TOXIC

Well-Known Member
Jul 16, 2002
Reaction score
Warrenton, VA
Fashon a rig that had a tin hull and a glass top cap? Wouldn't that be the best of both worlds.....durability under the waterline and great looks above. I'm no metals expert but there has to be a way to attach glass to tin without leaks.....whaddya think? What would the problems be?

Attaching it I think would be a problem TOX...I'm just waiting for the "all formed Mod V" just like the Avalanche. Rumor has it that Tracker should have one by 2005...stay tuned cause' I'd bet I'm the first in line. Now THAT would be cool!


BTW...it's suppossed to be painted inside and out.
Given enough time, ingenuity and money, anything's possible. They do this with big boats, combining fiberglass, concrete and metal.

The boat below is a 95-footer, driven by twin diesels to 26 knots. Three decks. Fiberglass hull, concrete decks, steel, fiberglass and aluminum superstructure.
Nope they are painted tin. You dress the shepard in silk and he will still smell of the sheep!! I want a metal-flake fiberglass cap on a tin (or alloy) hull!!! Painted tin is painted tin. The paintjobs on the Avalanche don't look nearly as good as metalflake glass. Period. The depth, the sparkle,......you tin guys are getting sleepy....very sleepy.....sell your tin, buy glass....

There has got to be some way to make an interlocking mold and then just attach and seal.....

Face it, Tin and Glass mix together like oil and water.

Guys that buy glass have to say there boats are the best becasue they had to pay three times as much. A boat is a boat is a boat. Who cares how pretty or not pretty it is. As long as it floats and you can fish out of it, its a great boat.
That's the problem JB, it doesn't have to be that way. And although the Glass vs. Tin debate goes on strong on this board (mostly for fun), it has nothing to do with $$.

Maybe not from your view Tox, but I would say lots of people use that 30K bass boat as a status symbol. And lots of the people on this board seem to be very level headed. But bottom line is there are a lot of jerks out on the waterways and status means alot to those types of guys. hard core glass guys would never want to see tin touch there boats.
Crap, and all this time I've been wearing the pretty colored fishing shirts as a "status symbol". Still, I suppose I could sell the Tracker a-nn-ddd.....<zzzzt>...Ooops sorry. Was reading TOXIC's post a ways up... Started drifting off.
I'm working on the design for a concrete and asphalt rig. It will come with a regulation basket and a painted on key/foul line.I expect it will go a long way to relieving the boredom when the fish turn off. I'm thinking of mounting the basket right above the livewell...
I know what you mean JB and we here on the board have discussed the "attitude" some of the glass guys have. I have never seen it here and hope I never will. Every glass guy on this board is intelligent enough to know that the tin boats have their plusses. Just don't get in the mindset thal ALL glass guys are like that (especially here). I guide and if there is ever a tin rig that fits my needs better than 20foot of glass, I'll be first in line to give them a try. To date, that has not happened. If I wasn't guiding, it might be different. We all agree it is who is in the boat, not the boat that matters. A bad tin attitude is just as bad as a bad glass attitude.

No I was not talking about the guys on this board. I think the guys that take the time to get on these types of boards and learn about all types of things or help other people learn aren't the guys I was talking about. I think whatever type of attitude the guy has, it will reflect in whatever type of boat he has.

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