Who's coming to Champlain this weekend?

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Rob LaMoy

Well-Known Member
Mar 19, 2001
Reaction score
Mark K, you coming up with that new rig this weekend? Temps will finally be down after the 90's today, but nights are cooling off so the fish are starting to pick up for fall. It will be a little cool, but we can try to locate you cowling. Anyone coming towards Champlain this weekend? Buzz is working so I have an open spot in the boat at least 1 day. Might bring a friend 1 day, but anyone want to go??? Give me a shout. I will be doing some prefishing/scouting. Any spots or patterns we find are strictly confidential. Revealing this top secret info will subject you to merciless torture and pain. You will be trapped in a room with Toxic after refried beans, cheap beer, and a cheese log, all the while forced to watch reruns of Three's company! LOL
Would love to but will be fishing all weekend at Beverly Lake, Canada. You think you 've been having a ruff season. Last weekend for the NYS CTE Federation Tournament on St. Lawrence, I found some good fish up by Massena. I made the 32 mile run up only to find where I'd been fishing was dry ground. They'd dropped the river 4 feet generating power over night. Really disrupted my game plan. Caught 1 three pound smallmouth and that was it. Next day went the other direction but all my spots had been hammered the day before. 5 little fish, barely legal. New five speed minkota has been working fine with no problems.
I will be up this weekend putting new shingles on, but may have some time to fish.
Be sure to call me Doug. We haven't hooked up yet this year. I will be running right by your place on Saturday, weather permitting.
Rob I will be there this saturday but not in my boat its not quite ready (no hot foot yet or gps or depth finder up front or 5 plug wiring harness)(all I have is 4 which means I can turn off all my breaks or no backing up. I'll be meeting a guy who took me out on the Potomac for a day of pre-fishing, I'm meeting him at his hotel the days inn at exit 37 then off to the point Au rush launch. I think my boat will be ready for the water either next weekend or the following. Mark
Not this weekend but verified last night that my buddy from Florida is a definite "go" for a Champlain trip. I gotta decide whether or not I am going up with "the club" that I usually go with, or just him and me for a rip lippin outing sometime in near the end of September. Robay, what's your schedule like? I really want to hook up. I'm too green for a "self guided" tour but could probably manage if you marked a map for me (which would be promptly burned at the end of the trip. LOL) They will stay at Stonehenge...I know you are not keen on that place. If it were just me, I would commondeer your couch and fridge...Douglas offered his place, but he would have to let me do something in return for that....and that is if I don't rally with the gang....What do you think? I am into serious planning right now!! Who else will be availiable? Buzz...Bob....? One way or the other, I will be there boat in tow.

Yeah, we haven't had a 2003 Champlain mini rally yet this year. Buzz and I have the LCI on Sept 7th, then we have the Everstart the 24th-27th. After that I am booked for birds, but in between is good. Just if you come the week before the 'start, expect to be sharing water with the other 199 pros who will be up prefishing. But hell yeah let's do it! We should close on the house in the next 2 weeks, lawyer is calling today to set the date. The couch, guest room, and guest wing will be open for anyone who needs to crash. I just gotta make sure I have BOTH bathrooms up and running before YOU get here! LOL

I'm available most Fridays and Saturdays. I work on Sundays, but I may be able to squeeze one more day off without jeopardizing my fall vacations. Buzz has off every other weekend and I think he is off the weekend after the LCI (Sept 12, 13, 14). Two weeks before the Everstart would probably be less fishing pressure. Like Rob said, anytime near the Everstart, there will be tons of bass boats on the lake!

Bob G.
Rob, I'm not gonna crash at your place unless it is just me...This buddy of mine snores worse than anyone I have EVER heard in my life..He would wake up your whole family and I am not kidding...When we used to camp, I would have to wear earplugs in order to get sleep. I e-mailed one of the "group" guys to get their dates and will relay as soon as I can get something definate.

Get ready Mac & Mini, my next outing will be to St. Clair!!

Tox, if you make it down I will definitely make the trip as well. I haven't been fishing much this year, but I owe you a few beers due to my....uhm....sickness last time we met.

Oh sure Piere, I see how you are. You make down if Toxic comes, but can't make it down just to fish lowly old me? I see. THIS is why my family moved down to the states! LOL
Heck, no problem Pierre, I knew it would just be a matter of time before we hooked up again!! Make sure you let me know when/if you get close to Virginia again. Next time you will have to bring some of those scrumptious c-gars!!

I thought it was about time for you to get back on the tourney trail? You've had your year off. Is the house eating up your time?

and Money....I'm fishing a small open on Sunday to get the taste back it should be good. Rob, sorry, it's not a personal thing, I just have not been fishing, but if a bunch of people are coming up toghether...I'll make time. <<I PROMISS I WILL FISH CHAMPLAIN THIS YEAR...WITH OR WITHOUT TOXIC>>

There you go...

Looks like this is the schedule if I come up with the crew. Pro's and cons Rob?

We are leaving on Friday night (the 19th of Sep). We will probably head back Thursday morning sometime.

Well, Robay......What about this timeframe? At least it is over the weekend. I don't expect you to shaperone us just give me a few pointers on where to go. I understand that most of the pro's will stay down lake and we are up on N. Hero so the traffic might not be that bad. Red Man TX also goes on about that time right? Who makes the best map of the lake?
