Who had the winning Slogan?

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Ain't picked it yet... And to be honest, I ain't gonna!!!...lol... I'm gonna let someone else pick the slogan.... So if ya got anymore ya better gettum on there!!!....;-)
I'm trying to think of a good one too,.....but there's a few good one's in there already!! Should post it by this p.m. if I can think of one....leaving town tomorrow for the weekend,..so don't wait for mine if it isn't up by 230pm today!! LOL
Mac - "leaving town tomorrow for the weekend" you sound like a government worker!!!! leaving work on WEDNESDAY for the weekend!!! I gotta get me one of them jobs!!! LOL
Put 21yrs in here and you can do it too!! It's called, "Earned Vacation"....pretty cool concept actually!!
I here ya' Mac!!! I'm headed for the Holler in the morning myself:) And yes Trep us Guvment workers(who by the way work our a$$es for the rest of you yahoos:) get to have a vacation too! LOL Eighteen years in Machine Shops and Fifteen with the guvment...I'm about done so turn me over:)

Macdaddy...I'm hopin' to get that hog this time around:) I'll keep the camera close by. Good Fishin' to ya'!

BTW...How about...."Keelsheild...Without it, your keeling your boat bottom" :) ?