Who Coined the Acronym "NTOWS"?

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Staci Matheis

Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2000
Reaction score
Donnie gave us "Git 'er done!"

Neeley gave us "Dem basses love sparkles!"

Pat Goff gave us "It ain't the arrow, it's the indian....."

Who gave us "NTOWS"?

It seems to me that it was Mac..... I have this vague recollection of this bit of surprize the first time I saw it used back in the first 6 months of the sight.
my whole life is acronyms,....sure beats spellin' it out!!

Doesn't "Me!" stand for: "Mildly Eccentric?"..LOL
Here it is:

re: ? for Ken by Mac,1/4/2002 18:53 ET

You guys are right,..I was bustin' up all day today over the banter back and forth,...it was a classic day on the good ol NTOWS!!

That 'seems' to be the first usage of the acronym.

Prob. Mac....

Git er done was from Larry the Cable guy!

Couldn't possibly.....

No "mildly" about it.....

"Excessively Eccentric" would be more appropriate!