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Josh Bertrand

Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2003
Reaction score
I think it would be kind of cool if everyone here told a little about themselves. Where do you live? Whta lakes do you fish? How old are you? What do you do for work?

Thanks. Josh
Click on the little picture next to the little m which are all next to my user name of this here fandangled website.
Well..... I think it would be real nice if we honored Josh's request!

I'm Staci Matheis!

At 54, I'm almost as old as Jr! But at 5'6" and 140#.....

Single. (Saving myself for Penny Berryman, Teri, Cass, Barb, Sue, Susan Sarandon, Goldie Hawn, Renee Zellweger, Catherine Zeta-Jones..... Ah, what the heck..... Just gimme Queen Latifah.....) No kids. Owned by a chocolate point siamese, The Tigger.

Currently boat- and job-less. Have owned two Nitro's; a 1995 180DC/115 Merc and a 1996 2000DC/200 Merc. Have almost always been in sales. If you know of someone looking for a good person for sales/customer service, my resume is in my Member Library. (Click on file folder above.)

Biggest fish I've ever caught was a flathead catfish from the Mississippi that went about 35#. (Didn't have a scale that went that high.) I've had a number on that went much larger but couldn't get them near the boat with medium-heavy tackle and 17# line! I'm one of those people who likes to fish with lighter tackle than the job demands!

For the last 2 years, I've lived in sleepy Glen Carbon, Illinois - 20 miles from St. Louis' Gateway Arch. For the previous 40 years, I lived in west St. Louis County on the Missouri side of the Mississippi River.

Thanks for asking, Josh!

Hey me! Is Glen Carbon anywhere near Collinsville? My Grandma (God rest her soul) was born and raised there.

The Collinsville city limit is about 2 miles away.

I'm also about 8 miles from where Dan J grew up in Pontoon Beach.
wo am i?not sure somedays,but here it goes,name,clueless,oops,jeff,40 yrs old,married too long,son,12 going on 22,boat a 93 tracker magan19 with a few upgrades and modifications to it.primary species of fish,ones that swim.

live in the glorious state of confusion,oops,pennsylvania,northeast part,round scarnton/wilkes-barre area.been all my life.live in the country,would never live in the city.not enough room for me.

diesel mechanic again by trade,but was a truck body riveter/welder/dump body lift gate installer.been a mechanic too long,dont know too much about anything else,but im a pretty good one.

the picture is of the last salm0n trip to the lake,err river,the 3 of us fished 2 days,got 9.those were fun on 8lb test!enjoyable to say the least!im the furry one on the right of the screen.still look the same,beard may be a inch or 2 longer,winter coat!these days its almost 0 every night,and work nights,got to keep me face warm.

if anyone is in the northeast pa region and needs some fishing relief,give me a yell.always looking for people to go fishing with.you wont have to bring anything.always have 8 rods in the boat along with tackle for just about any species in these waters,and then some.

now to try my hand at ice fishing.its kind of hard to troll this time of year!
Jeff -

You remember the old truck drivin' song about losin' his brakes, goin' down the hill into Scranton, Pennsylvania, haulin' 40-thousand pounds..... of bananas!
yes i do,harry chapin if im not nistaken.round the 70's also.
Really? Chapin?? I wouldn't have guessed that in a million years. But then I don't remember much - just that he had "forty thousand pounds..... of bananas!"
30,000 lbs of bananas.i think it was round 1972 it happened.i read an old newspaper article on it a few yrs back.remember when trucks didnt have maxi brakes,and dot wasnt out like it is now.also drivers had quite a few drivers licenses for a few states,and were driving 24+ hrs at a stretch.

remenber what west coast turnarounds were??watch vanishing point the movie,the origional one..
Magna, can I bring my Duramax to you when I get it??? Heard anything good or bad about them? Other than the injector problems?

Kraig Clement

Sales Mgr Huffines Chrysler Jeep Dodge in Lewisville ,TX

36 years old ...wife Jill and 4 children (2 dogs)

2000 NX882 EFI 150

Love to fish and be out doors.....
havent heard anything on the duramax diesels.now if it was the ford 6.0 diesels,thats another story!

the duramax has its share of problems,keep a check on the oil level,if it goes up,smell it for diesel,that in the oil will kill bearings and turbos.do a oil analysis on the oil at regular intervals is a way to keep tabs on carbon/soot levels,along with fuel in the oil,if any including antifreeze and various metals,bearing materials and such.

these new diesels with all the electronics are just asking for trouble.the old mechanical pumps,injectors and such were easier to work on.but they are easier to diagnose,put the laptop on,check the codes,do the repairs,done deal.