Bought a used and abused Tracker Targa V165 wt for my next project
With no motor or trailer
Just found a Targa 18 trailer that needs to be shortened
Started looking for a motor...saw in the original specs that you can put up to a 90hp on it
Thinking about a 60 hp 4 stroke as it is about a 100 lbs. lighter than a 90hp 4 stroke
Just need a motor to get the boat on plane fairly quickly with 2 guys fishing and go around 30mph
With no motor or trailer
Just found a Targa 18 trailer that needs to be shortened
Started looking for a motor...saw in the original specs that you can put up to a 90hp on it
Thinking about a 60 hp 4 stroke as it is about a 100 lbs. lighter than a 90hp 4 stroke
Just need a motor to get the boat on plane fairly quickly with 2 guys fishing and go around 30mph