Where to find Mac's Cartoons

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Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2000
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A number of folks have asked about Mac's great fishing cartoon. All of his web-published stuff can be found at www.billmcelroy.com.

Mac - when are you going to just post EVERYONE from EVERY magazine up there so I can see them all! Or just bring signed, matted and framed copies of everyone to the Classic in 2 weeks LOL
I don't care how many copyright laws I just broke..... I printed out "Bubble Gum" from Mac's website and posted it up on my bulletin board.

Your cartoon is in good company, Mac..... Right up there with pictures of Dale Earnhardt, Penny Berryman, MOFish and the Scouts, me and the 3" walleye, a model of Dale's #3 Chevy and "Kermit" the popper!
hahaha....I have a few of the newer ones posted in my library....you can see them there. The ones on my website are fairly old,......but they're goodies! All the new stuff gets sent in to BASS TIMES for first publication.....then I'm free to put it on my website or post them elsewhere. I have a brand new series featuring animals and people dealing with various outdoor and hunting related topics. It's called "Acres Away" and it's debuting next month in the brand new "Outdoor World Magazine" sold through BPS stores and also available via subscription. I will post the link below so you can go online and sign up if you'd like......thanks for the interest and the plug Trep!! Much appreciated!! I'll post some new ones in my library so ya'll can take a look. BTW Trep....Wally Marshall will be in the BPS booth with me at the Classic and we'll have the brand new "Mr.Crappie" T-Shirts I designed..so plan on buying a couple for your kids or you and Beka......heck...buy 4!!...aahhahah. Here's the link for the OW magazine.

Oops, forgot to mention the back scratcher!
OK......my library's been updated......the hunting 'toons are for the OW Magazine. The "Cow Suit" is the 1st "Acres Away" ever published!!....The Inagural panel!!..ahahah
Okay.....there's no hiding now Scott. Now that you've posted your cell phone number!!! LOL

Scott,...you'll be hearing from my lawyer shortly......LOL!!...Relax,...just doggin' ya!!


BTW,...His name is,.."U. R. Skrewed...LLC."
Carli, my dear..... YOU can call my cell phone ANY TIME! Heck, I've posted it many, many times..... Hoping that you or Cass or Barb or Sue or Charlotte might call me..... You know, one of those "deep breathing" kinda calls..... Or sing to me even! Oh, well..... (sigh!) Guess I'll just have to go on dreamin'.....

Mac, you don't really expect me to take your threats serioiusly do you? Heck, the Trepster could take you with one hand tied behind his back! You and Mr. Screwed and his entire LLC!

Hey Mac...

You have a new fan! is it possible to get the crappie shirts directly from you? How bout decals of that bass (for the side windows of the truck???)

Awsome stuff!
As much as i still HATE that Tracker calls my boat the "Pro Crappie" or as the service rep said when he called over 2 years ago "Mr. Trepper your crappy boat is ready!" Maybe i'll buys some since A) their from Mac and B) I do own a Crappie boat!
Mac - No problem on the publicity, i'll just charge you my usual consulting rates of $3,500/day or prorated portion there of!

I tell you, i'll go broke subscribing to all the magazines to get your cartoons, don't care about the other information!!!

hahahaaa,....Trust me,..the INFO in B/T and O/W is well worth the price of a subscription,....my little 4x4" easel is just a bonus!! I do appreciate your support though...very cool!! Thanks to you all!!!
