Where are the Pentagon plane parts

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Well-Known Member
Aug 18, 2000
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Underwood Iowa
I was only able to get to this by copying the url and then pasting it to my ISP address line.

Very,Very, Very interesting.


Where is the airplane that crashed into

the Pentagon........?

Where are the airplane parts???

Go to this website and watch this film.........do it quickly as it has

already been pulled off several web sites already...


Planes that impact the ground at 400+ mph don't leave many pieces. Personally I don't put much weight in the 9-11 conspiracie theories.

There was very little debris when the 737 went down near Pittsburgh a few years back and it crashed from less than 10,000 feet.
It was Bigfoot that fired the missle.... Elvis told me so. :wacko:

There were eye witnesses (a State Trooper for one) who watched it happen. He was interviewed on the local news here in Washington and they had his radio call on tape. I got to see first hand the damamge. Trust me, I was veeeerrrrrrryyy close to ground zero. If it, or flight 93, had hit their intended target areas I might not be typing this today. A day I will never forget.


Conspiracy my @ss.
There's also the same kind of horse kaka about the Oklahoma City bombing being a government consiiracy. I'm sorry but the government can't even get a letter across town let alone do something like that without anybody leaking like a screendoor on a submarine.

I was at the Pentagon on Sept 11, the parts were there. I could see pieces of fuselage, parts of landing gear, and the smell of all that jet fuel is something I'll NEVER forget.
So they are telling us that we should belive all of the hollywood special effects are real? Wings shearing off? lol Where do they think the fuel is kept behind the pilots seats?

And I guess they WTC video was a hoax like the Neil Armstrong walking on the Moon?

We saw how the planes went into the WTC and there wings didn't shear off.:wacko:
no plane parts====5300 gals of jet fuel = aluminum melts at lower temps
Aluminum "burns"... And, I can assure you... a commercial airline carrying Ted Olsen's wife struck the Pentagon... There is no way you are going to get Ted Olsen to go along with a "conspiracy" that ends with his wife's death... (Ted Olsen was at the time the Solicitor General of the US, remember him... Buh's attorney vs. Gore) And, way too many people knew too many people on that plane... All of the family's that participated in cell phone calls... They all faked that?
Only thing that really bothers me is why is our government being so hush hush about it ?

What did Bush really know before hand ?

Why is there still ongoing investigation into ground tremors 15 to 20 seconds before the towers went down ?

Did a plane hit the pentagon ? I dunno cause I wasn't there but, can anyone answer any of these questions ? No one has yet and it's downright scary knowing how crooked our government is......


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