When it rains it POURS!!!

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Rob LaMoy

Well-Known Member
Mar 19, 2001
Reaction score
Sorry, gotta vent again a little. STILL don't have that #$@!%&* water on and will burn it down tonight if I don't get that last leak fixed, but to make matters worse, I am driving in today and could distinctly smell anti-freeze. Oh....this ain't good. So I topped off my overflow tank and continue on my merry way. Went home on lunch and noticed it leaking out of the heater. Pulled up the floor mats and low and behold, there's my missing gallon of anti freeze....ALL OVER THE FLOOR! Just what I needed right now. Gotta get this house liveable by tomorrow night and a BIG tourney starting next week and my heater core decides to go on strike. Have I mentioned I don't particularly like my Bravada anymore???? LOL I seriously don't know how much more of this I can take. Tonight is BEER:30, or as Alan Jackson says, "It's 5:00 SOMEWHERE" durn it!
There comes a time when you just have to laugh in the midst of your misery. Sorry to hear about it, Rob.

I'll lift one in memory of you tonight, and thank God that I'm not having to go through the same thing.
In memory of me? Why? Does it get worse? Do I die tonight too? LOL Well, since you're at it, drink two!
Well, "in honor" doesn't really fit. And, the way this is going, you need to consider your blood pressure and your heart.

And,...., if you'll notice....that little yellow head isn't drinkin' just one!
Wow someone else with worse luck than mine. Man I hope things start going your way soon Rob. Keep your chin up. As the comedian Red Green says "We're all in this together."

Wow someone else with worse luck than mine. Man I hope things start going your way soon Rob. Keep your chin up. As the comedian Red Green says "We're all in this together."

And none of us are getting out of here alive either! LOL

See I had a few months of good luck, now I'm paying for it. Hope my luck turns by blast off on Wednesday!
I was going to whine about the carburator rebuild on Super Soaker costing me $225 but I don't feel so bad now. Hang in there, it can only get better from here on.
