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Well-Known Member
Jan 8, 2002
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Every one of my spots i like to fish there was a guy all ready there this weekend.I even seen them pulling out my FISH!!!! LOL There was one spot i went to and seen a guy fishing from a dock i thought so i went on in the cove.But when i got in the cove he was just standing on his front deck of his boat but behind the dock.I was not sure what to do then did not want to get in the guys way he was there first.So i just set there a min. to see what to do.He looked like to me he was fishing from the back of the cove out.That is the way i like to do it because the waved come from the main lake back to the back of the cove.It is easer to contol my boat that way no waves pushing u in faster then u want to fish. Alot of times u can just let the waves and trolling motor hold u in one place or the waves back u up if u need.But back to what i want to know how do u share the water? When is close to close.I did fish the same cove with him. I am talking small coves here guys u could fish both sides just going down the middle.I did see him pull out a 5-6 pounder and he fished the same spot the whole time not fishing down the bank as i was thinking he would.I pulled out two 2 pounders. P.S yes i know i can not spell
In tournaments there are specific distances. As a rule, I will not cut someone off (cut in front of them while they work down a bank) and I like to stay at least 2 casting lengths away from them when "sharing water" like in a cove.

How close can someone get to you before you get upset? Double that and you should be fine as far as common courtesy. As for tourneys, like Tox said, there are rules in most.
Saturday I was at the lake and a boat with two guys came along as I was fishing my way down along a stretch of bank.They had came around a point and caught up to me fishing the same direction.As they got closer they asked how I was doing,if I had caught any fish,if I fish this lakee much and all that stuff.Turns out they were fishing a tourney and were struggling about as bad as I was.They fished behind me for a few minutes making small talk,nice enough fellows.I offered for them to come around me,which they did.I followed them along fishing behind them for about an hour BS'ing away till it was time to try something else.They said thanks and away I went.

I wish that I could say that I helped them win by letting them go in front of me,but neither of us caught anything.

If you are nice and polite,and BS with me.I will gladly let you share my spot.You just need to feel the other guy out,if he strikes up a conversation,you can get a little closer.If he pulls a gun,you got too close.LOL
I think i can understand the gun thing.I am gone!! I never fish tounrey and i am easy going. It would take alot far a guy to get me mad if u want to fish it fish it man.I just know some guys take thier fishing alot more personal then me.I got a good idea fishing far dummies 101.I never seen anything writen about this not a book or in the mags.
The Potomac is notorius for rude fishermen...I don't know why but once on the river there are some real a-holes. If I have a client and someone cuts me off, I tell my client how rude that is and move off. I came in behind some guys on a tx on Anna who were working a cove hard and they told me to go ahead and go around them. I said hey, you guys are fishing for $$ go ahead and take your time and fish the fresh water. They thanked me and I followed them and proceeded to pull a 4lb'er out off the bank they had just worked hard. They left...gotta love that senko magic!!LOL

So is St Clair....

If you are close enough to see the smoke coming out of my ears, the fire in my eyes or the expletives coming from my mouth....you are WAY TOO CLOSE!

I could go on for hours about this subjecy, but I will let it go and fish somewhere else from now on.....yea right!


PS I dont forget boat makes and models either....I can see them for miles. Heck I even know the sounds of some outboards....
in our tournaments they tell ya to stay 50 yards away from others.if they arent in the tourney you can sit on them,lol.

Thats right...thats exactly right!

If I am fishing in a tourney, I am COMPLETELY different than funfishing or practicing....

I have had plent of people mention to me at the weigh-in:

"You are alot nicer on land than on the water!"

My reply:

"Thats because with 525 sq miles of water I should never see you on the water!"

I seem to find this sort of behavior everywhere now. I have been fishing again after a layoff of some years and the "courtesy" factor is far worse than it used to be. But I believe that mimics society as a whole.

While fishing this past week-end on a river on the eastern shore of Maryland I started working into one of my honeyholes. It's an old gravel pit off the river and even has a bulkheaded entrance about 5 yards wide and 20 yards long before entering the pit itself which is about 1/2 acre.

While fishing into that pit and sitting in the middle of that 5 x 20 entrance casting, I heard a boat running up the river. an older Ranger with three people aboard throttled back and turned right into where I was. They slowly passed by me, almost withing "slapping" distance and entered the pit in front of me. I started steaming and was on the edge of being out of control. Thankfully my brother is more patient and laid back than I and his advice to me was heeded and I just turned around and left the area.

It was awfully hard not to flatten their trailer tires however when I left the river:)

If someone is near where I want to go, then I usually wait, or get way in front/behind him. If going down a bank, and I approach a point with boat(s) on it, I pick up my rod and troll completely around them. I do not use the big motor at all, when this happens.

If I'm approaching a bank that someone is fishing, I feel that I need to be 100+yards in front of him - otherwise, I go behind him (at least 50 yards).

If it's a homeowners area, similar to what you have mentioned, I will initiate smalltalk and usually ask if he minds. Most times, I get 'permission'.

It's no different than stopping to offer a tow to a disabled vessel.....and it just goes to show you that we are tested day in and day out. I prefer to take the "high road" in situations like this because I feel that will pay dividends in the long run. I treat others as I want to be treated. I have been with a Skipper on the bay who screamed till the vein in his forehead popped out when chum fishing blues and stripers. Evidently pleasure boaters and some fishermen have a habit of getting close to a charter and fishing their chum line thus not having to pay for bait and reaping the benefits of the charter captains experience. He had a mate that I never would have tangled with either!! Very territorial when they "set up shop". Stories about certain guides on Lake Anna deliberatly motoring over other guides lines while trolling for striper, spreading rumors, lying to authorities to try to get investigations started, etc., This fishing "business" is VERY, VERY, ruthless and you better know who your friends are and who to trust. Personally, I like it because without those bottom dwellers, those of us who consider themselves above that type of nonsence, wouldn't have a good perspective on where we stand.

If your close enough to me to hear "What's this @hole think he's doin'"? Then your TOO CLOSE!
You guys are missing the most important part..

"Hey buddy, mind if I fish in here with you? Which direction are you going?"

If you pull a 24 pounder off water I just fished, all I can do is congratulate you. If you pull in front of me and grab that fish, all I can do is cuss at you. :)