What's Wrong With People These Days?

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Larry Harp

Well-Known Member
Jul 12, 2002
Reaction score
Yesterday I was at the Shell station not far from my house filling up. I'm standing there waiting for the tank to fill when all of a sudden an old beat up Ford Ranger pickup with two shirtless redneck looking young men goes backing around with tires screaming. I thought they were going to hit the building. Then off they go with tires screaming and now bouncing as they go over the humps where the gas tank filler pipe covers are located and out into the street right in front of traffic without even looking. My first thought was the gas station had just been robbed but I looked inside and the customers and the clerk were all standing around talking like nothing was wrong. So, I go on and go through the car wash which was out of order so I go inside and tell the young girl ( about 18) working behind the counter. After she gives me another car wash ticket I asked her what was the deal with the two knuckleheads in the white pickup. She says, "Oh my God, those guys were crazy!" Long story short...what the problem was, was that 20oz. Cherry Coke was on sale for .99 cents but the regular 20 oz Coke was $1.19 and he wanted the regular Coke for .99 cents and she wouldn't sell for that price. She told me that the guy started screaming and raving and started threatening to "whip her ass". She said that fortunatly another customer that was in the store was a pretty big guy stepped in and ran them off. All that over 20 cents! I wish I had been in there, I would have given the sorry SOB the damn .20 cents. I felt really sorry for the little girl working there. She said, "I'm already scared to death just working at a convenience store and now someting like this happens". She shouldn't have to put up with that kind of crap.

Has the world gone crazy? There's just no respect for other people anymore...no courtesy...no self image of how to act in public. Every morining I get up and watch the news while I drink my coffee and every morning there are a couple of drive-by shootings, child abandonments, and police chases. It just seems to keep getting worse...where will it stop. Sorry for the downer, I just had to vent.

The Mobil station I stop at most of the time has 2 of the sweetest, friendliest young ladies working there in the mornings..... They make my day start off right with big smiles for all their customers.

And, no, Tommy, I didn't stop there this morning..... :p

they where probably pissed off because not only was the coke 1.20....but the Evan Williams they where going to put in the coke was going to get hit with a 21% sales tax.

I almost fell out of my chair the first time I saw that on my receipt in a resturant in Tulsa...
JimBob, 21%??? Not sure what you're talking about? Sales tax is high, around 8%, and I'm sure there's a heafty sin tax on bottle goods but that would in the liquor store and not in a resturant.

I got hit with a tax on hard liquior tax at all the resturants I had drinks at.....the beer tax was less....but the hard liquior tax was 21%.....
I guess I need to hit the bars more often...I didn't know that. I think that's just a tax on guys from Texas.:lol:

Could very well be.....:lol:

I should have known when they kept asking for id then they would take the bill back and hand wright the 21% tax on the bill.

But in all seriousness...I had a long talk with the manager and the girls at hooters about it....I don't remember much about the liquior tax conversation but I do know the Tulsa Ok, Hooters has some really nice employees. :blink:
Where are you from - Oklahoma or somewhere?? Sounds like a couple of dang Okies (LOL)!!
Harpo, the people in this country have gone insane. They are inconsiderate, selfish, or sometimes just stupid. Go to the store, any store, and watch the healthy folks pull up in the fire lane, right in front of the door, or in the handicapped parking and either get out and do their shopping or sit there while their passenger goes shopping. I'm 50 years old, somewhat overweight, with arthritis in both knees and I'd walk a mile before I'd take a handicapped spot. Or you're driving down the road and some genius is pulling out of a side street, you're bearing down on him/her at 55 mph and the moron looks you right in the eye but proceeds to pull out in front of you anyway. And, automakers might just as well quit putting turn signals on vehicles because nobody uses 'em anymore. How can you be bothered with a turn signal when you're yakking on the cell phone and reading your paper. 90% of the people out on the roads today should never be allowed behind the wheel. I could go on and on and on.

Ahhhhhh, I feel better now! At least, until the next time I go out in public. Gonna go crawl back in my cave now. Hutch

yep, concur with ya on all the above.
Yeah, I almost got into a fight in a grocery store because of a similar situation. Some knucklehead a couple people in front of me was berating the cashier because she wouldn't accept an expired 50 cent coupon. After about 2 or 3 minutes, I asked him if he would go away if I gave him a dollar. He looked confused for a second, so I pulled a dollar out of my pocket and told him it would be just like a double coupon. He started to say something, when the little old woman behind me offered to kick in another 50 cents. He called me a name and said he would be waiting for me outside. I told him that was fine as long as I could pay for my groceries first. As he was walking away, the little old woman called after him that he forgot his $1.50... He walked faster and was no where to be found when I got outside... I did wait to make sure the lady behind me got to her car safely.

Rich D
Don't get me started on drivers...the other day I was behind a guy who was changing clothes while he drove down a busy freeway. It took him 5 miles and 3 lanes but he got it done. The T-shirt over the head was the most fun part.:wacko:

Worse than no turn signal is the moron who drives with the turn signal stuck on. AAARRRRGGGHHH:angry:


You have hit it right on the head. There are no more manners or courtesy in this country.

You even see it on the water when someone cuts in front of you to fish or if you're in trouble and they ignore you. It's everywhere. Let someone on or out in traffic and they ignore you.

Sitting at a light and having to listen to some morons music blasting away. Sitting in a restaurant and the guy next to you has a tobacco stained ball cap on. Hats on inside are one of my pet peeves. Luckily the place I frequent most will not serve you if you have a hat on.

No thank you's or consideration for anything you do for someone. Well, now I'm ranting too and I didn't to but it is all true and I'm sorry to say most, if not all, of it is the fault of my baby boomer generation. You can argue it isn't ALL our fault but if it isn't we certainly started the ball rolling.

...been sayin' for years that folks were a lot more courtious when we all walked around armed...:cool:
Hutch -

I watched a healthy, young (late 30-ish) man get out of his Hummer (no handicapped tags) that he parked in a handicapped spot at the grocery store. Pissed me off so bad I grabbed my cell and called the police. When I came out, they were there writing him a ticket - with him standing by them! :)
When did the general public walk around packing more than they do today?? You can't even honk at someone at a green light without getting shot at.

Good job me! ! Guess you turned his Hummer into a Bummer, lol. ;)
After I hit that Powerball tonight I'm gonna go to the Bowling Green police and offer to pay the salary and support for them to hire what I'll call a butthead cop. All he/she'll do is go around writing tickets to buttheads who do stupid, inconsiderate things. Probably have to have a lot more than just one officer for the butthead patrol though. Hutch
All of those who mentioned people parking in handicapped spots without handicap tags - this is one of my biggest pet-peaves. I just want to hook my Dodge Ram up to their bumper and drag them out of the spot. I came up with an idea a while back, although never actually went through with it. I thought about getting a cardboard cut-out of the little "person in a wheelchair" that is sprayed on the ground / put on the sign for handicapped people. Carry that around with a can of bright blue spray paint. Someone parks in a handicapped spot without handicapped plates - easy.... I just break out the spray can and stencil and hook their car up - all doors, trunk, hood, etc.... Then they are legally parked, right?:rolleyes: Ha! I wouldn't go through with it, but man I thought that would be funny.

Good one, Glenn! Or spray it on their windshield and add the text "are you handicapped?" to the stencil.

You still underway?
Anybody that tries crap like that IS handicapped! IN THE BRAIN!:lol:

Yep, still underway until this weekend. We pull in with just enough time for me to get the boat ready for Saturday and spend some time with the family. I'm actually hoping they want to come with me again this weekend. I had a lot of fun taking my wife and son out last time. The little guy really looked like he enjoyed it. Smiling and playing the whole time we were out. He had to check out every compartment and push every button in the boat. I got a good laugh out of that. He isn't strong enough to push down some of the buttons, so he grabs my finger and puts it on the button he wants to push, looks at me and says "buuush". He can't make the "P" sound yet, so his P's come out as B's. I think its hilareous... although I get tired of "buushing" buttons after an hour or so.:blink:

TritonGlenn.......I didn't know that was you.....what happened to Purp-a-Nator or whatever?!? :D

Love the Bats.....those low-light ones are the sheot!!!
Hey Greg...

I goota agree that the place to put your money where your mouth is in places like the Boy Scouts and other worth while youth organizations that promote the right values and attitudes.
First I think all of you are 100% correct. Second I think its the PARENTS that are the problem! And it starts at birth. I've seen parents of 1-2-3-4 yearolds at parks just drop off their kids and sit in the car/van/truck. I've had to talk to MANY of them and their kids when they push my kids (or others) out of the way so they can go FIRST on the slide/up the ladder/on the swing... NONE of these kids are taught the manners that most of us were as kids.

Too many parents are trying to be their kids "best friend" and NOT a parent. Kids need to learn NO, WAIT, and you are NOT an ADULT!.

Hey Greg - "This is my action and this is my stand
Greg - I've been in the Navy almost 18 years now - and I take care of a lot of "kids" these days that obviously were not taken care of by their parents. You would be AMAZED at the very basic stuff I have to teach some of these kids - hygene being one of them.

I am also a parent, and by that, I mean that I am a parent, not just "some kids dad". I plan on raising my (currently 17 month old) son to spend time outdoors, not cooped up in the house playing video games all day every day. Teaching him right from wrong, manners, how to treat others, respect for nature, etc... And scouting is in the game plan. I learned a ton from Cub Scouts, Boy Scouts, and finally - an Explorer Post. I stayed out of trouble, and plan on raising my child the same way I was raised. I'm also my bass club youth director.

Ken - Glad you like the SolarBats! I love hearing of people that enjoy our product. If you ever need anything more, just give me a shout. The "Purp-A-Trator" decided against the 929 deal. Just didn't work out. Ended up buying a TR-20 PD X, and I love it.


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