Whats with my 700 LX DC

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Tony R

Apr 23, 2008
Reaction score
I have a 97 700 and am curious if the lever and valve livewell systam was an option for that year. I just bought this boat and took it out last saterday and noticed the well would fill up when stopped and drain on plane. After some looking and a little thought I came to the conclusion that I am missing a stand pipe. Why dont I have the more complex valve system?
I have the same boat but a few years newer...this is the livewell system yours should have, I think....


Maybe your boat is too old. I think you could retrofit a newer system into your boat.

ddennis: Thanks for the link; that is spot on what is on my 750 [and most likely Snooter's as well]. Reading the information at that page though, it appears the system is not designed to hold water when the boat is out of the lake.
I have a 2001 896 and mine always gets a few inches in it too when in the water. Pretty normal I believe.

Mine does too...I just put a plug in it when I'm not keeping fish.
It fills up to water level outside of the boat it is a straight tube with no valves or anything to stop it. I will look into that flow right system or maybe I will just try to find a standpipe that will fit.
The knob for the valve system that everyone has is out in the open right next to the throttle right? It had to be an option for this year or somthing becuase I dont have it.
Rex - I had a '98 and it is nothing more than the standpipe with a rubber fitting on the bottom to fit in the drain hole. Put it in when you want to keep water in the livewell and take it out to drain. You can either order one or make it out of a piece of thin PVX and a large rubber washer.
I have a 97 700LX SC, I have that lever next to the throttle, I bought the boat used a few years ago and can't tell you if it was an option.

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