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Jim Brone

Well-Known Member
Oct 12, 2002
Reaction score
Hey everyone. I'd like to ask anyone who has had a similar problem as the one I'm having take a look into my library and open the NX750 folder. You will see 2 photo's of what I think is called a bulkhead,which is between the seats and the gas tank. It seems to be tearing. Is this piece of framework supposed to be rigidly connected to the sides and bottom? There seems to be a thin sort of layer that iss ripping away as is clear in the pictures. What do y'all think about it? Also, there is a photo there of where I mounted my Garmin 240. It's a nice convenient spot because you can see it good from anywhere on the deck.


i have the lx700 model which is similar. i don't think that is a "bulk-head" per say but just the framework for the seats. i believe the material is plywood which is covered in a resin. the part that is tearing looks to me like it is the fiberglass cloth that maybe didn't get soaked into the resin completely and has pulled away. i don't believe that is a structural issue with the boat but just some sloppy glass work on the interior unless maybe the plywood has gotten wet and is rotting or has broken. i would think that if it is solid in there that some resin and a small amount of cloth could be added to seal that area up.

That makes quite a bit of sence actually. You're probaby right. I am taking it into the dealer this Friday to get my engine tuned and they will look into it further. But thanks. I feel better now.
I would bring it into your dealer and have it looked at. If it was not always like that, you may have some wood back there that got wet and is causing the glass cloth to seperate. Either way I would have it looked at.. what year is your 750, I just got a 2004 and love it..
It is a 2002. I love it too. How do you like the color scheme? Which do you have.
Your's looks great.. The one I just got is white, yellow and red. Like the one on the the Nitro home page.. They only had 2 in stock a red / white DC and the one I got.. As soon as they took the cover off , I said that's the one..The yellow and grey seats look pretty cool to.. Cant wait to get it back from shop.. they are working on motor. Having problem getting over 4000 RPMS on occasion. I am still breaking the 115 in. But it runs like a scolded dog.. GPS read 55 WOT at about 1/2 trim. I love the width of the front and rear decks, much wider overall than every other 17 footer I looked at.. Most of the boats in this size had narrow front and rear decks..
Yes, nice beam for a 17' 6" boat. What prop are you turning? Mine came from the dealer with a Mercury Lazer2 26pitch. WOT 56MPH GPS. That was before I loaded it down with gear. Now I'm right at about 55 MPH and 1/2 tank of fuel. My 115 started acting up at the end of summer. It is a 2002 but I bought it new off the floor on 03. The engine was acting like it was out of time or something. Running rough at idle speed and bogging some when I'd put the hammer down. It's going in for a check-up Friday. I can't wait to have all this blasted snow gone so I can wash it. I had it out in January down in southern Il. fishing for a day. I can't stand having a dirty boat. Must be clean and shiny.

Anyway, post some pic's of your rig.
The prop they rigged it with is a Merc Laser II 24 in. pitch.
I need to get out and take a cpuple of pics of it tomorrow. I have no energy to go out in teh cold today and unwrap the boat. Thanks JR
Guys, read James D's responce to my original post. It makes perfect sence. My boat is going to the dealer tomorrow and I will update about the results.