The interesting discussions (mostly on BFHP), is where 2nd or 3rd tier anglers on either tour, think that they can actually make a living on the pro tour.
If FLW has 200 or so 'Pro' anglers, they have at least 4 tiers/levels of competition:
1st Tier - Experienced pro's that are substantially sponsored that have the ability to compete for the 'cut' positions and potentially win.
2nd Tier - Somewhat experienced pro's that have some sponsorship, and are hoping to make 2-3 checks a year.
3rd Tier - Caught in the middle. Been doing this for 2-3 years, but just can't break through.
4th Tier - Weekend warriors that like the chase, and hope to get 'a check' this year.
You could do the same for BASS. It may be a little different, but would break down very similar. If you want to be a millionaire, you have to be in the top 2-3% of the 1st. Tier, and probably have a good solid winning percentage over 8-10 years at a minimum.