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Justin Keithley

New Member
Mar 17, 2004
Reaction score
Here's the deal - I have an '03 avalanche. Love the boat, but the seating design is just no-good. I've had the boat less than a year and the middle seat (a bench no-less) has already got broken seams from stepping up to the back.

Its under warranty and will get replaced. fine. So what about next year? and the year after that? Its got 3 yrs of warranty...so the 4th year(and most likely 4th seat) I'm just going to bo SOL.

My idea is to try and get different seats, ones where the middle can fold down into a step. I asked tracker cust. service and of course they will not do this. I even offered to pay the difference in cost. I didn't push the issue much, i only have so much time during the hours of 9-5 to argue about it.

I will call back someday when i have time, but does it not make sense that it would be in tracker's interest to replace the seat with something they will not have to replace 2 or more times under warranty?

if anyone has any experience dealing w/ something like this, please help me out.

i would have, but its not an option. this is the only seating config for this boat. HOWEVER -- i looked at some of the 9-series Nitro boats the other night at BP. They have the same relative design AND the fold down seat. So whats wrong with this (fake numbers here, just making a point)

Avalanche seat replacement value (warranty) $200

901 seat replacement value (warranty) $300

replace my seats w/ 901 seats under warranty = $100 out of my pocket.


seat breaks under warranty - get free seat wait 5 months, seat breaks again under warranty - get free seat , wait 5 months... repeat for 3 years. cuz you can bet as soon i can see the padding through the seam i'm sending it in.

it just doesn't make sense to me why something like this couldnt be arranged, the seats all come off the same line at the same factory and they all have a price tag on them, so whats the big deal?
Not to be a smart alec but how bout trying not to step on the seat? They all rip even with the center fold down. My 929 has done it and a brand spankin new one on the lot at BPS during the Spring Fling was already ripped just from customers walking around in it. Take the $$ you will be spending out of pocket and go to an upholstry shop and have them sew in a reinforced vinyl cover over that area. That's what I am going to do even if I get a new State Team boat.

I replaced the seats in my Avalanche the first year also. To cure mine before it tears a second time I plan on taking it to a re-upholstery place that specializes in recreational boats and vehicles and have a good cover put on the seats. It's either that or go buy me some ranger seats, and mount them.