What Not to do at a Sports Show

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Scott Hammer TOXIC

Well-Known Member
Jul 16, 2002
Reaction score
Warrenton, VA
Well, I've been working the Sportsmens Show in Chantilly, Virginia this weekend, last day is tomorrow. So, my wife decides to bring the 6 year old and stop by this afternoon. They have a traveling road show of birds of prey, Eagle, Hawks, Falcons, Owls, etc..., A lot of birds tethered to perches with bunge type leg cords. Well, my 6 year old wants to show me the birds...so we go over after my last seminar. I was surprized at just how close they let you get to the birds (she actually had her picture taken with a HUGE white snow owl...beautiful bird!!)....anyway we are standing there and I say to my wife that I am hungry but really don't want to eat "show" food. And she says why don't you eat some of this that I brought for Lauren (my 6 year old)...at which point she opens her purse and before I can stop her opens a baggie full of deer sausage........Do you have any idea what that did to those birds??!?!?!? Looked like a scene out of Hitchcock's "The Birds". Holy crap, those meat eatin' birds went wacky!! Every one of them trying to take flight and attack my wife's purse. Little kids runnin away screamin (nightmares tonight I'm sure)!! The curator of the bird display kindly asked us to move....LOL!! It took him 15 minutes to get them settled down.

Hey KB...fishers of men set up right across the isle from us. I've been tellin them some stories. Some dude in a Team Triton shirt!!hehehehehehe.


That was so funny, I sent a copy to all my friends who aren't on this board! (All TWO of them! LOL!!) Of course..... I had to include an explanation of your screen name! LOL!!

Reminds me of "The Far Side" cartoon: A "Birds of Prey" club gathering at one side of the park, and a "Toy Poodle Owners" club at the other side, with the caption "TROUBLE BREWING".

Tox, that story is a HOOT!!! (pun intended)

The shows are fun but I am dog tired. Gave 4 seminars, booked a couple of trips picked up a new sponsor, one step closer to landing a BIG sponsor, so it was a success. Gotta look at the schedule but now the BPS shows start, Baltimore and Hampton. I enjoy talking to the people (well, some of them) but I'll tell you this, you get a good cross section of mankind that is for sure!!

Another thing that happened with the birds was that the curator was letting a hawk fly out in a big circle untethered and return to him. Well he let it go, it made one round, came back and did a touch-n-go off of his arm and took off after a mockingbird that was in the building. Man o man that mockingbird was doing mach 4 through the gerters. He escaped. The hawk came back.

Yep. We will be doing both stores in VA. It would be GREAT if you could make it. I usually end up doing 2 or 3 seminars or tank demo's at each one but I haven't made it up to headliner status yet!!LOL


ps, I usually book a lot of trips at these.....
Here look for the booth......This is the last day and I'm dogged out...can't you tell!!LOL I like to give my big sponsors the whole billboard!! One day SPRO, another CastAway, etc., but I give em' the surround-wide screen shirt with everybody on it for the seminars!!LOL

Thanks, I think that I will be in town for that. Need any help with anything?


PS That is some mug shot man!!!! No bad bird marks on ya in that one :)