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Scott Smith

Well-Known Member
Sep 5, 2002
Reaction score
Helped teach a groundfighting school today to some of our P.O.'s....as my luck would have it, a somewhat large framed and uncoordinated dude fell square on my chest and cracked two ribs on my right side....oh the pain.

Hurts to breath deep, cough, laugh......but I just checked, and I can still cast pain free...!!! So all is not lost.:D

We'll see how setting the hook goes tomorrow.
Let's see now. HE was uncordinated but YOU have the cracked ribs huh?:p Just kidding Smitty and that's a bad neak man. That can hurt like the dickens! Let's see what happens when you have to set that hook:rolleyes: Best wishes for getting better sooner than later.

Uncle Billy


Same thing happened to me 2 years ago. Was helping with a basic recruit school. Recruit's feet got tangled with mine in a demo, and down he went. Well, we teach -Dont let go- So he didnt, thought it was part of the exercise. I Broke 2 on the left and one on the right.

Wished I could be put to sleep for a month. Couldnt-walk, sit, stand, breath, eat walk etc..............

You have ALL my sympathy !
Thanks Billy....and yes....he is uncoordinated. I was actually lying on my back when it happened..not doing a thing. I had just completed some instruction on fighting off an attacker from the bottom position...(c'mon now..keep the jokes to a minimum...remember it hurts to laugh), when Dufus trips over a guy next to me and decides to break his fall using my chest...his knee landed square on my chest. I coulda just killed him right there if I wasn't hurtin so much.

As an example of his less than superior coordination...he once missed two weeks of work for an on duty injury of his own, which he sustained by waving so vigorously at a group of children, that he poked himself in the eye with his thumb. Not only is that nearly impossible to believe, he was dumb enough not to make up some other type of story to cover up how he really did it......the guy should NOT be armed EVER....!!! :wacko:
Smitty... The perils of a Merit Commission or whatever you call it there... Two things I know... 1) I would never hire 99% of what they hire now; and, 2) I am 99% sure they would not hire me now! Nobody whose locker was labeled Sgt. Animal is superior candidate quality now.:lol:

How do you weed them out during their probationary period when the "bosses" are afraid of their own backsides.

I shouldn't tell this but.... Some years ago during the Tehran, Iran hostage crisis I was sitting in a bar (hey, I went there every Friday for the clam chowder and ham sandwich) when on T.V. they were talking about the failed rescue mission by the Army SOG team when the helicopters crashed in the desert. The guy sitting next to me started calling them pu$$y's this and pu$$y's that until I got angry enough to knock him off the chair and started telling him what a pu$$y he was, etc., when Charlie, the cook, who was about 6'4" and 300 lbs. came tearing through the swinging kitchen doors to kill us both I think. In slow motion, just as Charlie got there I bent down and when he was over me I stood up and he went crashing over the next table. A good friend of mine, Timmy, knew I was going to get killed by Charlie or arrested by the police grabbed me about the chest to pull me off the other guy and I could hear one rib crack. Well, it wasn't one rib but three and as Nancy said, "YOU DESERVE IT". :(

I didn't go back to that place for about a month and when I did Charlie told me he wasn't going to do anything to me but he too had heard what that guy said and saw the chance to get one in on him too. BUT geeeeezzzzz did I hurt for a LONGGGGGGG time... I hope you heal faster than I did Smitty.:eek:

Uncle Billy