What is North American Fishing Club?

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Tim Jeffers

Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2003
Reaction score
I just got a membership solicitation from an outfit called "North American Fishing Club". Does anyone know anything about this outfit. $12/year supposedly gets me a monthly magazine and "free stuff" to try.

The price is right, but would I just be pi$$in' away $12? Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated.

Not only am I a Life Member of B.A.S.S but I am also a Lifer for N.A.F.C.. Pretty good mag if you ask me. I have been sent numerious "Free stuff" to try and send back the form on how well it did or didnt. This includes Fishing line, Hardbody lure's (Tested a highroller one time)(Thats a $10 lure and it was free) Rain gear, Rod and reel combo's, etc.. What ever you get is free. Just need to send the form back. Some good info in the mag as well. Covers all types of fishing..

My .02

Max <><
They have a pretty good magazine and it has lots of information. It not just for bass anglers thought, there is information about all other kinds of fish in north america. They also have some cutting edge information that's ahead a BASS.

If you like to fish, you should like this magazine. I'm still fishing with some lures they had me try out a few years ago and all I had to do was send back the information on how the baits performed.
I had alot of trouble with the NAFC.They kept

sending me books and tapes after I had repeatdly

ask them to stop.I am a member of B.A.S.S they

only are the only club you need for info on bass

fishing.Infisherman is a good club for bass and other

types of fishing.Just my thoughts!
