What does ICAST stand for?

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OF COURSE!! See I knew somebody had the answer!!lol
"Icast ergo sum."

I like that!

Gives new life to Latin!

Wait until I tell Father Leonard!
Icast farther than you...

Icast up in the trees sometimes..

Icast because I can...

Icast you cast we all cast for big bass...

Icast my vote

Icast would look really funny on your face..

International Convention of Allied Sportfishing Trades...

It's the show of all shows for the fishing industry, where all the mfgr's debut their new stuff for the upcoming year.

It's not open to the public,....but it's where a whole bunch of deals, partnerships, HUGE retail orders and promotional efforts are made and ideas are "spawned"..LOL

I'll be there with Action....can't wait!!! July 20-22nd.

Tank you Mac ,I knew somebody had a logical answer!! lol

Some of the guys on this site are getting .....Well you know ....Snow funny!!
International Caucus Against Snow and sleeT?