what do i do???

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BJ Laster

Well-Known Member
Jul 15, 2003
Reaction score
I went to school on monday not feeling well. I tried to go to school on tuesday but left early because i felt HORRIBLE so i came home. Took a lot of medicine and slept all day...i never sleep during the day. Got up this morning and started feeling better, i went into school around 11ish...should have stayed home..i was kinda dizzy for the most of the day. Went to three classes lunch, class meetings and a pep assembly for our bball teams going to the tri-state tourny. The only thing i did today academic wise was disect a heart...YUCK!!!! I HAVE NO DESIRE TO BECOME A DOCTOR WHAT SO EVER! (it was a sheep heart btw)

came home..i feel alright..took a lot of medicine again I'll try going to school tomorrow.

but i have absulutly nothing to do...boat is covered and all my tackle is out there...i havea few rods in the house and some fishing stuff...i have nothing to do...bored....

Don't listen Steve (Hey Steve send me Stoneys!!!!!), read a book, surf the internet for every fishing story you can read, WRITE a book or short story about something you think others might be interested in, call your buddies and play a game!

Or Drive over to Atlanta and help my house painters get done quicker!!! LOL

Yeah,maybe you should listen to Trep.

Trep, fly up here for the Bassmaster Classic this fall and we'll drink all the Stoney's you can handle.

Actually I keep buying cases to send to you,...but....by the time I get ready to send them......

they are all gone....

Sorry : (
Yeah..... Whatever you do..... DON'T listen to Steve!

And DON'T let Trepper pull a Huck Finn on you either!

I've been stuck at home since Sunday with the flu, BJ. I know exactly how you feel. I sleep. I watch tv. I surf the internet. Mostly sleep. I simply don't have the energy for much else; my mind isn't clear enough to do anything constructive - including giving good advice to teenagers! LOL!!

So..... Whatever you do..... DON'T listen to me either!

"Throw a kegger" That's the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard............

Oh shoot, I just finished my last beer. Have to make a run. Bye.

If your sick. STAY HOME! The reason is you'll just spread what you have around more. Have a buddy pick up you assignments and do them at home. As a teacher I wish students would stay home when they're sick. They give it to me and I HAVE TO STAY HOME. That means getting a sub. then cathing up when I get back etc etc.

You'll recover faster by staying home and resting. Take care of yourself.
